Whether vertical farming or not, the government need to really take proactive measures to secure lands that will be meant for agricultural purposes and no interference of any capital projects, building of roads, bridges or other structures should not be done in such areas. Just like there is game reserves, the government should put land out and secure them for the purpose of agriculture.
Farming is not just a skill,farming us the future,the future of many,the future of nations and the future to all.There's need to improve and urbanize the farming sectors because the world wholly depends on it.
It can be by Embracing new and emerging technologies that can help grow stronger crops, raise healthier animals without any interference.
If not for farming,how does the world intend to feed,despite finance,economy and governmental policies,they need agriculture to surface in more and thats because it has a role to play greatly for us.agricultural machine manufacturers, cooperatives, pesticide suppliers, and public and private actors such as digital and agricultural ministries must be facilitated for a easy running and functioning to farming modernization.
It's true what you say, if it weren't for agriculture, how would the world be able to provide food. In fact, in my opinion, the work of farmers should be paid attention to, such as providing more support to them, even though the price is high, perhaps because the farmers themselves experience the process, so it is natural that they want a higher price than usual. It is true what you say that agriculture has a big role for us, because it fulfills our needs to survive.