Bitcoin will stop all wars.
Yes, bitcoin is the greatest invention in the history of mankind!
You are exaggerating, bitcoin could hinder the ability of politicians to wage war for as long as they want but only if government accepted bitcoin as their official currency, and that is not going to happen besides even if they did they could always crate a new currency and then print it to pay for their wars.
bitcoin is just code.
but its how PEOPLE treat it and use it that changes things.
bitcoin does not have a voice to tell someone to not pull the trigger.
bitcoin does not have a hand to take a gun from someones grasp
its PEOPLE that can stop wars. but right now PEOPLE like blockstream are trying to start another economic civil war, by commercialising bitcoin.
bitcoin was suppose to be the financial system with no barriers of entry. but blockstreams motives have caused things like fee wars. and now atleast a dozen developing countries that would benefit most from bitcoin cant/wont use bitcoin due to fee's being more than an hours wage.
and dont blame it on data issues.. blockstream are happy with 4mb of data per block. but dont want it to be 4x transaction capacity to equal 4mb of data. they are pretending to give a one time gesture of 2x capacity. but as fast as people adopt the new keys when it activates. they will take away this boost by adding in extra bytes of data which bloat the data but decrease the tx count back to what we get now.
EG a 360byte 2in 2out tx, will become 1.370kb tx for the same 2in 2out. once you add the bloat of confidential payments, csv cltv and other features blockstream want.
so while they bloat up the data onchain without offering much in the way of real transaction scaling they will push people into LN commercial service hubs to rule bitcoin users lives.
only ever increasing the onchain block capacity as a gesture to allow the commercial LN settlements to settle without a bottleneck..
yes its already been thought about talked about and conceived as their ideal plan for the future. keep bitcoin held back until the commercial services needs the utility of onchain scaling..
bitcoins ethos is being eroded by PEOPLE who want control and to be at the "core" of bitcoin they even said so by naming their brand as such.
so while ethical people sit on their hands and trust bitcoin (voiceless handless code) will save the planet.. corporations with banker investment are corrupting the people that have their hands and voices of bitcoin