Bitcoin and alts is another case in which people are carefully kept in ignorance by the governments and lobbies.
What can we do to make more people interested in economy and finance and to better educate the youth so that they don´t get ripped-off?
The system was already there, created by the government to make the creativity of each individual lost, lots of Ideas especially to the young ones, but the indoctrinate of the educational system stops there own thinking about the new original ideas that come with their minds. The government wants people to be controlled if they cannot implement that, some people will begin to question and it will proceed for creating a revolt. I agree with you about your statement, but they should be taught discipline first before economics.
This was interesting to read. Its true that government is the only one which creates feeling of the education or they are the one who gives us right to educate by various constitutions of the nations. But at the final step when we start talking by ourselves (because we are too educated) then the same government will try to shut our mouth by saying that its vein!
I think this is what called as politics in the first place and you go anywhere in the world this has to be there. It is mere attitude of the jealousy because government think that they should be the one who must be ruling the world and not the people of nation.
Obviously they would entertain us with basic necessities so that we don't come out on road protesting against them but why would they let us hurt their goals. Ruling is pretty fine and necessary but we are being used. They play with us.