Stake was my preference.Because it was used by huge people and promote by huge people on the forum.The payment of the campaign also paid without delays.I had some game on this gambling website ,like trusted.Actually I had not faced any difficulties on playing the game.The withdraw process of the game also not very long time.It was released in a short period of time.
It's really funny to see how the casino reputation is judged by the signature campaign in this forum, do you think if a scam casino run signature campaign and paid without delays, it's trusted too? lol. The reputation are determined by many factors, especially on their in-sites. If they can't handle a problem from their gamblers, or be fair about their TOS, obviously they can't be trusted.
I can understand your feelings and depth of the words.
But I want to say you more what we can conclude from roslinpl's post.
If a site is able to run signature campaigns (which is expensive) and able to pay the users at the correct time, then this proves that the site has enough bankroll for the gamblers to play big.
Yes i am not supporting that all sites that runs signature campaigns are legit, but yes that proves they have enough funds for the promotions.
Regarding , it's one of the oldest and trusted casinos and sportsbook, present in the market, and yes it's almost best for me.