Prepare for a new dark age. Today the JPY trades at 117 which is a signal we are in for a big big crash.
The era of the USA is finally over. Soon the western world will self destruct and we will enter a new dark age.
The future is here. AS western civilization self destructs over the coming weeks and months let us be thankful we are alive and have each other to keep our positive momentum going.
Hola abs350. So the JPY at 117 is the sign. All the world which is waiting this signal must act now because after one minute will be very late. But what to do to save ourselves? I think that the first thing that I will do will be to put my head under the bed. In this way at least the head will be safe forever. Then will take my hands and will put those in the locker. Being locked there no one can touch those. So even the hands are safe. Remain the body and the legs. At my home there are not more safe places. So must go to the neighbor. Maybe he, giving some Darkcoin (must be paid with something that have to do with Dark Age) can find some corner where to put at least my legs. He has a bigger home that mine. As about the body, for the moment, have no idea where to put. I will remain without sleep this night and maybe will find some solution. And after found with do another post here to help all the others.