Since you seem to be an expert on altcoins, I'm curious as to which ones are currently targeting adoption from people outside the crypto-sphere right now?
Not an expert, I just collected a lot of metadata which occasionally prompts me to ask some obvious questions of prognosticators.
... such as the one you just asked, it's a good question ...
The short and honest answer is that I've no real idea. In a small number of instances both intention and action are clear, e.g. DOGE, TIPS, WKC but there's a larger untold number where intention/action is unclear.
In essence, there's no reliable way to tell unless the user-base is already slapping you in the face with a fish or the programme is sufficiently extensive as to be unmissable. Is a dedicated subreddit evidence? An FB page? A merchant adoption programme? Without a close inspection of the details, it's impossible to distinguish between actual targeting and the results of merely ensuring that the pre-launch check-boxes for the latest PnD are all apparently ticked.
There's nothing in the metadata that would directly signify explicit targeting but perhaps there's an opportunity to derive such. I'll make a note to check. I have yet to put the DOACC dataset through its paces properly. If I've got it right, it'll be a useful resource.
F'rinstance, there's a recent bitcointalk thread
Sleepers, in which BitcoinNational maintains a list of trading symbols and btctalk thread links. I can extract the trading symbols (by hand, sadly), wrap them in a SPARQL query to retrieves additional data. The query phrasing requires a bit more boilerplate than usual but the core of the query is quite SQL-like (symbols taken from an early post):
PREFIX skos:
PREFIX doacc:
SELECT ?node ?label ?symbol ?incept ?ps ?pow WHERE {
?node skos:prefLabel ?label .
?node doacc:symbol ?symbol .
?node doacc:incept ?incept .
?node doacc:pow ?pows .
?pows skos:prefLabel ?pow .
?node doacc:protection-scheme ?prots .
?prots skos:prefLabel ?ps .
FILTER (str(?symbol) IN ("DGB", "MYR", "SFR", "FCC", "NET", "FLO",
"GLC", "LKY", "PYC", "EMD", "DMD", "CACH", "RT2", "ARK", "TEK",
"HBN", "CAP", "PHS", "BTG", "PXC", "ORB", "LK7", "SMC", "BTC",
"MRY", "SPT", "WAS", "888", "RIC", "GRC", "YAC", "BET", "P$", "MZC",
"XJO", "FFC", "TAK", "BTE", "PLT", "BCC", "BITS", "MAST", "SAT",
"WAS", "AC", "CAIX", "LGD", "DEM", "NEC", "STR", "NOAH", "420"))
} ORDER BY ?label
I can then post this to DOACC's public HTTP API, get the results back in a standard XML format, transform the XML with an XSL stylesheet and get something I can literally paste into this very textarea (edited for brevity and expository clarity):
You can check the full results for yourself by copynpasta, dump the above query into the web form that's fronting the SPARQL endpoint on Minkiz: In this example, query and results are quite straightforward, more complex queries can be posed, I just need to get a sense of what's worth querying.
If I can formulate some hypotheses about relationships I can fish around and see if the results form a consistent pattern. Short block target times might be indicative, biggish number of coins and short transaction confirmations. That'll do for a start. The info is in the metadata (not consistently tho', it depends on what info was originally available, there's nothing to prevent backfilling the data, if the gain in statistical confidence is considered worth the effort).
Working on an update atm, another 140-odd coins to add.
Edit, extended examples