Just saw this overview about mastercoin made by overstock - https://o.info/index.php/How_to_Issue_a_Cryptosecurity_using_Mastercoin
More info can be found here - https://o.info/index.php/How_to_issue_a_cryptosecurity
I must say that overstock did their due diligence.. and I could guess the word that came to their mind while reviewing mastercoin.. pathetic.
This is fascinating. Not that I really agree with "they did their due diligence", but fascinating in the sense that Overstock really seems to push it.
The output to Exodus was initially intended for tagging purposes. The set of millions of all Bitcoin transactions, which may qualify as Mastercoin transactions, can be reduced to only those received by 1EXoDus, which is a significantly lower amount. Though at this point I believe there is no longer need for it, due to other mechanisms that could be used for this purpose, and especially because Master Core is a thick client.
Recommendations to adopt lower dust values were published first, if I recall correctly, in May, and experiments were started to collect a sample of 250 transactions right after, to evaluate confirmation times and miner acceptance. It was then picked up by Chancecoin in June, serving as very valuable resource to gather further information, resulting finally in the adoption of the new "let's cut the cost by a factor 10" policy in September as part of Master Core.
A larger amount of bitcents left on the table is based on the low redemption rate of multisig dust, where about 40 % of all Mastercoin, 35 % of all Chancecoin and 10 % of all Counterparty bare multisig outputs were actually reclaimed at this point. On top it's appearingly low enough to fuel Luke-Jr's vendetta against "spam", and resulting in a proposal to make bare multisig non-standard as per default.
I this context, I consider this statement as misrepresentation and to put it into some relation: the dust sent to Exodus was about 0.9231 bitcoin a few blocks ago.