This is why it is important to invest in things like nuclear energy that is close to unlimited in supply.
The main problem with that is all the regulatory costs that go into making that nuclear reactor
It can cost hundreds of millions to set up and clear and then citizens may say we don't want a reactor here etc and cancel the project making the risk a gamble that many don't want to take. (Pretty much cost overrun risk no income and a schedule to complete it by getting delayed)
Even if it does get approved the ROI takes many years from when it was first made to break even and then adding regulatory costs even more than initially planned so its a complicated issue.
That said once built it can run for a long time and it does make a good return. 2013, investment advisers Morningstar, Inc. concluded that, in developed countries, “reactors are not a viable source of new power”. Even in developed nations where they make economic sense, they are not feasible because nuclear’s “enormous costs, political and popular opposition, and regulatory uncertainty”.