Fracking = scraping the bottom of the barrel = peak oil. If there where oceans of oil available to supply the worlds needs there would be no point in throwing money at squeezing it out of rocks. The nouveau riche (China, India soon, etc.) want there turn at westerners glutinous and decadent lifestyles too so unless someone pulls something pretty damned amazing out of their ass then we'll be going on a diet.
There's a fair number of these threads recently, "the earth is flat" type topics that fly straight in the face of obvious truths, the style of writing is similar between them too
Fracking is NEW. People have ALWAYS (previously) been struggling to get oil. That is not new news.
The new news is that oil is EASIER TO GET NOW (because of fracking).
How is this not penetrating your denseness?
How is fracking easier than drilling and pumping and is fracking cheaper or more expensive than drilling and pumping? If fracking is more expensive than drilling and pumping (it is, considerably) and oil's at $112 a barrel now, what happens to the price when fracked oil makes up a greater percentage of supply?
I've not read through the rest of the posts because its simply naive to think oil will go down in price in the long term. Maybe someone has already mentioned oils 15 barrels to the ounce connection, Islams issues with paper money and the unusual and logic defying activities on the markets since high frequency trading took off. Personally I can't be arsed but might pop back for a "told you so" sometime.
We (here in Colorado) have commercials about this stuff. And they have LITERALLY told us that we will be able to get enough oil for the next few decades like NOW, and we will continue to be getting more (or they wouldn't be making ads to ask us to support fracking, they would just try to get all the oil out right now and be done with it, but that is not possible because there is SO much).
This is ONE state. There is Texas and Alaska, which I am pretty sure produce more than Colorado. THEN there is Venezuela, Canada and all the smaller surrounding nations that have oil under them.
Then there is the middle east.
If Colorado can get enough oil to support itself for the next few decades NOW, then what makes you think the world can't do that very soon?
And once there is THAT MUCH oil just floating around, the countries with smaller populations will start flooding the market of places like America and China until FINALLY, the Bubble (that we ARE in) will pop.