The Oracle encourages quoting, your opinion is as valid as mine in the mesh "primordial soup" of information.
just for clarity "long term" is 3 to 5 years in crypto.
if something changes I will update the journal, DGC has hit "base money" Version one, but made a wrong turn now by restricting the Reward (if that goes ahead)
this will just delay the inevitable, the inevitable is that the market will work, you can try to restrict it but that just delays it.
see "Bitcoin" for reference.
also for reference i'm not saying DGC will never rise I'm saying until the fundamentals are corrected you are "gambling" in a "pump and dump" style, so don't become emotional or get offended its just a market segment, as you can see there is plenty of people that like volatility.
The issue of block rewards for Digitalcoin V3 have not been finalized. One solid decision is the switch to multiple algorithms and we are set with which algorithms, Scrypt, SHA256, and X11. There will be some updates to allow data storage in the blockchain, and some other technical improvements. As technical changes are being done, there is activity around increasing the economic usefulness of Digitalcoin.
Today though, there is an abundance of Digitalcoin, so the majority of the production is going to speculators and supporters as opposed to circulation amongst the general public. In the not so distant future there will be a need for more coins in circulation, but considering the production is more than 10X that of bitcoin, it would seem that there will be enough to support a vibrant economy if the reward is reduced, and now seems like the best time to do it.
We plan to put up a poll to get opinions on how the block rewards should work across the three algorithms, but prior to that I would appreciate your full opinion on this topic, with some justification to help me and others understand your opinion better.
Thanks in advance for sharing your experience.
Ok noted thank you for the clarity - but here is what I heard:
- We are human and want more wealth.
- We think dropping the reward will give us this.
- we are reducing the block rewards
- There are number of reasons im going to say to convince you we are doing this for reasons other than our own.
Quark has 15x the number that BTC will have at full distribution, ( i counted Quark at 300 million) ( the max lots of us will see in our life)
its real nu-manipulated Cap is higher than Digitalcoin.
how do we explain this?
lower reward shift does not = higher wealth, to say it does is crayons and coloured blocks economics.
(not implying that is you , i'm actually just saying i understand your motivations, however once this play gets played lots of times the effect diminishes)