This is radical Islam, this is what the so called "peaceful religion" that every Muslim practices looks like.
Utterly disgraceful.
They believe that women shouldn't be able to vote. They believe that women shouldn't be able to drive. They don't even think women should be able to leave their own homes without a man there to support them.
And these people, horrific people, who support sharia law are what our modern day feminists defend each and every day. Ignoring these facts and focusing on the fact that we're hurting their feelings. No, it is NOT a religion of peace. Just because there are peaceful people in the religion does not mean it is a religion that isn't focusing on bigotry, control and death. It is a dangerous religion. Period.
The reality is that women everywhere should have the civil rights to live a happy healthy life without a man who needs to control her as if she were a puppet. We need to take strong action against these people. There is NO justification for physical abuse to your partner (whether man or woman) and this story that you promoted properly shows the dangers of the Muslim faith.
I believe this because I am an egalitarian, and am a conservative. NOT a left-wing radical who ignores these subjects because they need to run back to their safe spaces.
Savages. They are true Savages. According to that Creature from the talk show he talks as though Women are just a step above a Camel.
They treat Women like animals. They force them to cover their entire body. They will Stone them to death if they do something Wrong. This is their Religion? This is what their God believes appropriate?
HOLY SHIT WTF am i missing?
One thing missing: governments all over the west want to import these guys en masse, or already have, such as Sweden and Germany. Entire sections of those nations are being lost to the Muslim population, rather than the supposed integration the Muslims were supposed to perform into the host societies, effectively becoming no-go zones where you're expected to be attacked/raped or otherwise if you enter them. They also happen to be eating up a huge portion of their welfare.
So there's that. Don't ask me why they're doing it; probably something to do with guilt; I have one friend who says it's only right that we bring them into America because "it's the last we owe them after attacking them for so long." All I have to say about that is, two wrongs don't make a right.