Sorry to hurt your beliefs, but I don't think Satoshi is THE expert anymore on Bitcoin.
Bitcoin has grown since he left, being it the code base or the adoption. I am also sure, that is what he wanted, when he left.
Sorry to hurt your beliefs, but I don't believe that.
Who holds the belief that Satoshi is THE expert? Not me. I am just saying I'd trust his tie break vote more than a coin toss. ...or Mike's hard fork.
Look, here is the deal. We don't have a conflict resolution scheme. When we set down the path to resolve an impasse - we are forced to do a hard fork. Oh fuck. That is not good. For now, I'd let a signed message from Satoshi decide. Then, start working on a new voting system which would let impasses get settled without walking near the cliff that hard forks are.
If you want Satoshi to decide, means you hold his word over every other. In my book, that means you think, that he is THE expert, regardless of if you want it just for this conflict.
It also seems to me, that you don't know, what a hardfork is. There already where hard forks. There even was a hard fork about a month ago: BIP 66, which let to
some problems I know what a hard fork is you plonker - and I am about to stick one in your fucking eye. This XT thing very likely could lead to a hard fork. Some hard forks just happen no big deal. This one is a big deal
because it is intentional and done with the purpose of shutting out the guys on the other side of the argument. That is a big fucking deal.
No, you don't know, what a hardfork is. The other hardforks, where also intentional. You should read up here: already lost. The three largest mining pools in China, who own 30% of the hash rate, have already publicly said they're not willing to switch to XT.
Good. Thank F that's over.
Average block is only around 500kb right now, so there's still loads of time to come to a solution and consensus regarding blocksize before we reach the 1MB limit.
i remember that they said they are not against the 8mb change, so they are waiting that the change is incorporated in core or something?
or like everyone else they are waiting for this magical alternative...
Yeah, to my understanding, absolutely everyone agrees that blocksize will need to increase in the future. The mining pools in China have simply stated they want consensus amongst the core developers, not Mike and Gavin to try forcing a hard fork down everyone's throats, like they're doing.
Bitcoin is still a long ways off from having any type of issues due to the 1MB blocksize limit, so there's still loads of time to reach a consensus, and roll out a proper hard fork. Mike and Gavin though and hyping this issue to make it seem like we're in panic times and need to act urgently, which just isn't true. The bitcoin network will continue humming along just fine with the 1MB blocksize limit for a good while to come yet.
That is not true.
There are people who think, that the blockchain is an exclusive club and the dirty peasants should use centralized solution(I read exactly that many times on this forum, ok, without the "dirty peasants")
Here is a survey that shows, that even two well-known Bitcoin developer are against any increase: