Why doesn't blockchain add an exchange? they are funded by rich people like Richard Branson (My guess at his name spelling )
They have the investors to make it the spot to trade and buy bitcoin.
Agreed. This is a vital requirement or these scams will continue happening. Guaranteed.
Why do you think actual fiat banks around the world are able to work? Because they are physical entities with verifiable employees/assets. Additionally, most are FDIC insured. Meaning, should the absolute worst case happen, they are backed by the federal government and all your funds would be replenished should they go bottom up or robbed.
This is a fundamental flaw in the bitcoin banking system. The anarchists will claim 'BUT HAVING REAL NAMES AND REAL PEOPLE GOES AGAINST THE TRANSPARENCY OF CRYPTOS!' No. You can't have it both ways. Either you have accountability or you get taken to the cleaners. The 'blind trust' system never works on the internet. Never has. Never will.
The main reason Bitcoin was invented was to solve the issue of blind trust. The funny thing is you can actually trust Bitcoin, it actually works. Just most things built on top of it are still failing the blind trust problem. I am wondering if maybe someday the blockchain advancements will solve this.
Supposedly this is one of the great leaps of smart contracts, is that now, you can force third-parties to trust you via smart contracts.