this is true
each story is unique and just because something worked for someone else doesn't mean the specific thing will work for you
thouogh there are some principles that are universal and will end up working for all so the key is finding these.
The only principle that works is out there in the limelight for every gambler to see: limitations. However, only a few are interested in obeying or applying such strategies. Most players get sidetracked by the monetary rewards and utilize methods that don't work. Limitations are the real winning, not withdrawal, I guess. Since we can't win the house, let's save for other days.
Getting greedy is something that really hard to resist, most of the time instead of taking that opportunities to withdraw and quit away, gambler choose to stay and roll more thinking that they have that luck backing them out, its really hard when you are having a good winning streaks, but then after, when you are already drunk of that streaks you forget about the chance of losing again, and when you suffer you'll be out of control playing aggressively.
That's the time the casino will take advantage of the situation, you keep topping and you keep losing, it's always best to withdraw when you already have some decent profits.
Very really that hard to resist on which its pretty obvious that gamblers do really failed up into this situation on which they are really that failing on having such control or simply making up those withdrawals.
If it was really that easy then we wont really be seeing successful gambling platforms whether online or offline, but we are speaking about withdrawals on which this is something which is really that very hard to be done on the time or moment that you would really be on such condition. Gamblers would really be that having those kind of immedaite aims into their gambling outcome and results on which they will really be playing even more on which they are really that believing that they could really make money with gambling without even trying out to think that they are really putting up themselves on harm.
Its important that whenever you are on a winning situation then it would be ideal that you should really be that taking those profits and would really be using it into something more which is really that important.
You cant really just that make yourself do such thing easily because this would really be requiring such good control and moderation on which not all would really be able to do such thing.
Some could be able to made it out but majority would really be failing up on doing so.