And sometimes, even though we are not gambling, when we see other people gambling or hear about the wins that other people have achieved, there will usually be a feeling or desire to gamble within us, which if these thoughts are not immediately diverted, it is possible that we can fall into it and try it. And we return again to the issue of winning, where it is true that the real victory is when you hold the money in your hands in physical form.
Gambling comes with a lot of greed if not properly controlled, keeping your winnings or capital in your bet account is something no one should do especially if you lack discipline because you would always want to keep playing, you can get lucky once or twice but multiple trials means you are hooked and there's a high chance that you might lose everything,..your point is absolutely valid, withdrawing to your bank account and keeping it isn't enough, withdrawing from your bank account and making use of the money is the real winning