I’ve been banned from Facebook for months. For a simple hardly offensive comment on someone’s post. That’s not normal. It used to say, banned for 30 days. For a month now it gives no timeline no date, it just says I can’t post, comment or like cause I’m a non compliant right wing self thinker. This is abuse of authority. My posts are all factual, if facts offend you then block me or move to a liberal commie echo chamber.
My point is, this unjust irrational retaliation from Facebook started at the same time bitcointalk retaliated against me for no good reason.
Most logical conclusion, besides American feds being in full control of bitcointalk, Silicon Valley is neck deep in crypto and they’re one big family working together.
That said, America most likely invented Bitcoin, which means it has backdoors. And given they’re turning communist and soon merging with China that’s a big factor you should take into account.
Thank you, oh such geniuses in plastic puppet valley, for acting in unison against me, even tho you stopped doing that a few years ago after I got bored playing you guys and told you I can tell who’s a team cause you made the same decisions on the same exact day. Lol
More idiot fronts running Silicon Valley while the government genius teams really do all the work in the underground labs. This is milli vanilli level - Silicon Valley is Fraud Valley. And on top of it they’re amoral losers with zero empathy. The govt chooses their puppets carefully. Mindless, indifferent, stupid and easy to control.
Thank you for playing and losing to a guy and a cellphone, haha, what tools. I think I’ll make crypto my game, cause I’m no lying, maggot front for anyone on earth.
~ Vlad2Vlad ~ All lies will be revealed, and the hidden evil unveiled for who they really are. Like crypto, That too is destiny and an unstoppable force. Fun times, worms.
My confidence call on this coin, Goldcoin, is ~90%. That’s extremely high, and at a dime it’s very low risk.
It’s still early in the US of A but even with his daily 2 hour nap, and even with a double dose of Ensure there’s no way that old leprechaun isn’t sleeping by now.
Sooooooo…. What do we do?
When the Leprechaun sleeps the Vlad plants seeds.
So the Leprechaun has kept this quiet while he and the feds mass accumulate, (for years) similar with dash, ETH, ETC, and so on. At around $2 I said buy ETC like crazy and it hit ~$140 on just a shakeout a month ago or so. That coin will blow past $1,000. These calls are really easy to make if you pay attention and are of tall caliber. Like shaq tall at minimum.
If the feds are involved in this coin, and i’m they are (thanks for the instant attacks and retaliation confirming this) cause the Leprechaun is definitely their front then they’ll have a big spin coming. Like a gold backed token on Goldcoin chain, something like a GOLD ETF. Or something similar.
At any rate, Microguy just mumbles about charts - nothing solid about a roadmap or the the future of this coins. Stalling while doing adding no value to inform you. That’s cause he doesn’t want people to actually buy this coin. But I do. BUY BUY BUY.
And tip the Vladster if I’m right and it does in fact hit $1,000+ From $.10 now, cause I’ve made millionaires out of kids and they forgot about Vlad. They’ll face repercussions.
Let those seeds grow into a monster oak tree overnight and start mining and buying daily.
~ Vlad, the guy who knowz stuff.
~ Vlad - I don’t yet own any GLC, no money right now and hard to accumulate in the numbers the Vlad NEEDS, but I’ve may have a back door into the Leprechaun so I hope to get some soon.
Still helping you greed mongers with 1,000x low risk coins. Thank you mods for the instant retaliation confirming what I suspected. Without you I was only 50% confident, I don’t buy anything on a guess or coin-flip odds. I develop a fact or intuition based theory then I wait or stir the pot to get solid, undeniable confirmations.
Thank you for playing my game…
Riddle me dis, my smelly dirty niggas. Haha
Many old coins can be had even after they take off but you must first find the hidden back door which can be opened even with an old wooden key, but for now the door is unlocked and free entry for all who find it. This is why I’m not worried about not having the money for numerous corn I want, like GLC, BSV, ETC, ahd others. I need my portfolio to feel complete inside me right now it causes me anxiety cause it is not so.
The Probability of you turds finding backdoor: roughly .0000001% give or take .01%. My maffs are infallible, my intelligence impregnable.
Once I unravel this riddle for you, (clearly, when it’s too late for you) you’ll pull all the hair out of your heads, like a crazed Barbie on meth. Haha.
~ Vlad2Vlad ~ you ungrateful douches, I try and try to stop helping you but something inside me won’t allow me. Cause you don’t deserve it. You deserve to keep chasing rainbows and unicorns, fueled by your mortal greed and envy of your friends and neighbors.
Riddle me dis, mortals.
What do you get when you hang a puppy by the neck with your high caliber leather diesel belt?
You raise the dead. Confirmation complete.
Thank you for playing…
Vlad2Vlad - it’s how I do. All of you against one and you’re being picked apart with only half my brain working. Sad but funny.
[moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]