
Topic: -- The Riddle of the Twin Brothers - Who Were, Are and Will Rule the World! - page 8. (Read 382319 times)

jr. member
Activity: 139
Merit: 2

Cornhole.  You’re right.  No idol worship by Catholics, err, just paying respect to dead people statues.  That’s it.  Like I said, you can sugar coat abortion to sound righteous and good.  Call it what you want, this is idol worship.  Not judging, it’s not my problem, it’s just something I never really understood.

In HS my sister’s best friend for years was a die hard Catholic who wanted to be a nun, until she accidentally walked in on me getting out of the shower butt naked.  Then she changed her mind.  That bathroom had no lock on it so it was meant to be, ey.  But she was a really Christian.  She didn’t pray to any images of statues.  She prayed to God so I guess not all Catholics believe the same thing.  It’s 1.6 billion people, it’s understandable.  But the pope doesn’t discourage this.  None have that that I’ve hear of.  And that’s blasphemy and a grave sin, worse than murder.  

My best friend was Peter Martinez a Philippine fresh off the boat also catholic.  We were friends until I moved.  So I’m not anti catholic, I wish Baptists were more like them but these things, these practices are, I believe, hellbound actions.  And Baptists suffer from a couple serious issues that could also cost you your soul.  That’s why I can’t call myself any religion, just Christian and a poor one at that. To each his own, pray for the Truth and God will guide you if you’re sincere.  That’s a guarantee.  That’s what I did and I saw the flaws with Baptists which I never saw or heard of.  I told God I just wanted the absolute Truth and I didn’t care what it was.  And He gave me that.  Trust God, He’s your father and teacher not mortals.  

Now set apocalipsa free, he has work to do soon, nothing with feds, he reaches 100x bigger people and more people on Twitter.  But bitcointalk is where clowns come read up on a coin before they buy or sell to see what’s going on.  Might need Vlad2Vlad a get out of prison card but not now, and only for a month or two for the same reason.  Everybody knows Vlad and that’s important.  No harassing bitcointalk or feds, just taking care of ixc biznis.  

Thanks.  Maggots.  

~ Da Doc

Stop being a moron please and understand that catholics don't worship statues when they pray in front of them.A statue is a simple focal point or marker the same way you have a tombstone on someones grave where you pray to them.
Also orthodox catholics find abortion,liberalism,modernism,wokeism,gay marriage,adultery,sex outside marriage,malicious lies,slander,theft,murder,rape to be abominations against God so your attacks on these peoples religion is uncalled for.NO catholic unless they are a fraudulent one or an infiltrator trying to bring the faith into disrepute disobeys Gods laws and if a genuine catholic does this they are faith bound to confess grave matters to seek absolution or they risk judgement and death in a state outside grace and even after confession of these matters they are not excused from consequences of their actions in most cases.
In actual fact if everyone lived like an orthodox catholic is supposed to then there would be no need for police because crime would not exist and there would be no issues with society because everybody would be married and children would have 2 parents and widows and orphans would be taken care of while there would be no adultery to wreck homes and everyone would be treated with dignity.
Once again for those in the back row.Catholics do NOT worship popes,bishops,priests or inanimate objects and only someone who is not knowledgeable on catheism or theology would come to these conclusions.
My advice to you and your friends above is to convert to catholic faith and go see a priest for a general confession before it is too late for you or better still book in for an exorcism because you sound like you have some serious venom inside you and it may not all be a righteous anger like you seem to think it is.A hateful tongue sows discord and has no place in Gods kingdom.A mouth unguarded is like an open tomb ;-)

Ps: "Judge not lest you be judged" "remove the plank from your own eye before you look at the speck in anothers eye"   "let he who is without sin be the one to cast the first stone"  "all men have been weighed and have been found wanting"
Activity: 81
Merit: 77

Are you mad or something?

Mad? me?? I am positively insane my furry little friend.Got the cert to prove it too and I am hungry as fook for a pet poodle to walk past that came out from some bitcorn hodlrs mansion to take a piss on our tent. I hope you don't run out of battery power in that pussy tesla you probably drive down our street and meet our dev because that crazy loon will be wearing your head for a hat driving around the neighbourhood in your little bitch car after he plugs it into your brain dead head while we run after him mad max style with our mining gear plugged into your sorry a$$. That will bring a whole new meaning to the term shitcoin eh? Us gutter rats are going to run the buttcorn neighbourhood over when our dev is finished banging that old crack whore bitcoin. Ah seriously though bud,you need to start thinking positive because all that negativity is only going to make you ill and bitter when ixcorn moons and all us bums and losers have our day in the sun Cool amirite amirite

After all this ranting your last block at this moment of posting was over 16 hours ago.A shitcoin taking its last pathetic breaths before it expires into the death zone.What normal person would use a coin that takes hours,days and weeks to send to an exchange?Well your post above answers that because its obvious no normal people use this coin only nutjobs such as yourself and the rest of your deadbeat buddies ranting on about the craziest garbage I have ever read on this forum and thats saying something.:-O

Block Height   Age   TXs   Value Out   Difficulty   Extracted by
712206   11 hours 35 minutes    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xsF1WFQpcmwmM...
712205   14 hours 49 minutes    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xYSohXjRAWViz...
712204   16 hours 19 minutes    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xqP9dFVhYDYH7...
712203   19 hours 42 minutes    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xvLRTtkXheCPe...
712202   19 hours 47 minutes    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xnz4N4ZyrEKFn...
712201   20 hours 2 minutes    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xnmNpN2qDJWox...
712200   20 hours 15 minutes    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xoM8A3ynZCXX3...
712199   20 hours 21 minutes    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xngEmJ95XAKUe...
712198   21 hours 15 minutes    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xn1YkafqXJwAx...
712197   21 hours 34 minutes    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k

For Catholics who believe in the false blasphemy Christogram here’s a free lesson. 

Iησoυς Xριστoς  = Jesus Christ in old Greek. 

Clear?  The above blasphemy ignores the first name and creates a new form of christogram but it’s not.  It’s Chi Roh, XP, the first two letters in the name Christ.  Now how many of you use your initials say my name, Paul Vlad, instead of using PV I use VL.  Has anyone on this planet ever seen 1 human use their name initials that way or is it ALWAYS first letter of first and last name.  So why is the above diabolical image called a Christian Monogram. 

Look at it stupids.  The I for Jesus is replaced by a P.  What does the P stand for?  Papacy or Pope.  The christogram is now transformed into the papacy or Pope is head of X or Christ.  Only the devil pretends to be the Christ.  The false Christ. 

Stop worshipping idols and symbols which 99% of Christians that use them have no clue what they REALLY mean. 

Dear Pope, you’re an elected political official chosen by God, some are good some are evil like any politician.  That’s all you are.  Not one of you, not even one of the apostles was ever infallible let alone a maggot human who never walked with Jesus.  Stop replacing God by worshipping mortals and idols and symbols.  It’s an evil wicked practice that leads to hell. 

More bullshit rantings from another one here too.Catholics dont worship the pope.The pope is simply on the seat of ST Peter.The church belongs to Jesus Christ while popes come and go.Plenty of Catholics disagree with popes,bishops and cardinals and just ignore them and go to church simply to pray to God without listening to popes.The priest simply preaches the gospel and blesses the sacraments.You havent a clue obviously about it so dont bother ranting on about stuff you are not qualified to talk about.Your buddy above talks rubbish too about stuff he or she is not qualified to talk about either by the looks of your block explorer.

Thank you for the correction.  I’m not expert and I always wanted to talk to a real Catholic.  I have seen with my own eyes in broad daylight humans, Catholics I’m guessing, on their knees worshipping, praying to a statue of Paul II I think. I personally really liked that Pope.  So Catholics only worship dead pope statues, kneeling before him isn’t worship.  Kk.

What about praying to Mary and lots of other dead people’s images.  The Bible is clear, do not worship any image above or below of anything or anyone.  Not a cross, not an image of Jesus, God, zero.  That’s idolatry.  God wants a personal relationship and you unwittingly are building a relationship with an object not God.  It’s not complicated as to why God wrote these commandment first. 

I love St Peter’s chair with an upside down cross.  Only satanists use that.  What does Light have to do with Darkness?  St. Peter did that because he felt he wasn’t worthy to die like Jesus.  He didn’t do it so fools can turn the Cross Jesus died on and turn it upside down like Satanists.  That too is evil in the eyes of God.  Who is your God who is your savior, Jesus or Peter?  Honor and symbolize Jesus not one of his sinful followers, a mortal.  The devil sugar coats many lies and it’s shocking how many billions fall for it. 

Congrats, Catholics and Satanist use/worship similar symbols, including statues of dead people.  I’m sure that’s just a coincidence. 

Are you mad or something?

Mad? me?? I am positively insane my furry little friend.Got the cert to prove it too and I am hungry as fook for a pet poodle to walk past that came out from some bitcorn hodlrs mansion to take a piss on our tent. I hope you don't run out of battery power in that pussy tesla you probably drive down our street and meet our dev because that crazy loon will be wearing your head for a hat driving around the neighbourhood in your little bitch car after he plugs it into your brain dead head while we run after him mad max style with our mining gear plugged into your sorry a$$. That will bring a whole new meaning to the term shitcoin eh? Us gutter rats are going to run the buttcorn neighbourhood over when our dev is finished banging that old crack whore bitcoin. Ah seriously though bud,you need to start thinking positive because all that negativity is only going to make you ill and bitter when ixcorn moons and all us bums and losers have our day in the sun Cool amirite amirite

After all this ranting your last block at this moment of posting was over 16 hours ago.A shitcoin taking its last pathetic breaths before it expires into the death zone.What normal person would use a coin that takes hours,days and weeks to send to an exchange?Well your post above answers that because its obvious no normal people use this coin only nutjobs such as yourself and the rest of your deadbeat buddies ranting on about the craziest garbage I have ever read on this forum and thats saying something.:-O

Block Height   Age   TXs   Value Out   Difficulty   Extracted by
712206   11 hours 35 minutes    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xsF1WFQpcmwmM...
712205   14 hours 49 minutes    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xYSohXjRAWViz...
712204   16 hours 19 minutes    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xqP9dFVhYDYH7...
712203   19 hours 42 minutes    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xvLRTtkXheCPe...
712202   19 hours 47 minutes    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xnz4N4ZyrEKFn...
712201   20 hours 2 minutes    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xnmNpN2qDJWox...
712200   20 hours 15 minutes    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xoM8A3ynZCXX3...
712199   20 hours 21 minutes    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xngEmJ95XAKUe...
712198   21 hours 15 minutes    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xn1YkafqXJwAx...
712197   21 hours 34 minutes    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k

For Catholics who believe in the false blasphemy Christogram here’s a free lesson. 

Iησoυς Xριστoς  = Jesus Christ in old Greek. 

Clear?  The above blasphemy ignores the first name and creates a new form of christogram but it’s not.  It’s Chi Roh, XP, the first two letters in the name Christ.  Now how many of you use your initials say my name, Paul Vlad, instead of using PV I use VL.  Has anyone on this planet ever seen 1 human use their name initials that way or is it ALWAYS first letter of first and last name.  So why is the above diabolical image called a Christian Monogram. 

Look at it stupids.  The I for Jesus is replaced by a P.  What does the P stand for?  Papacy or Pope.  The christogram is now transformed into the papacy or Pope is head of X or Christ.  Only the devil pretends to be the Christ.  The false Christ. 

Stop worshipping idols and symbols which 99% of Christians that use them have no clue what they REALLY mean. 

Dear Pope, you’re an elected political official chosen by God, some are good some are evil like any politician.  That’s all you are.  Not one of you, not even one of the apostles was ever infallible let alone a maggot human who never walked with Jesus.  Stop replacing God by worshipping mortals and idols and symbols.  It’s an evil wicked practice that leads to hell. 

More bullshit rantings from another one here too.Catholics dont worship the pope.The pope is simply on the seat of ST Peter.The church belongs to Jesus Christ while popes come and go.Plenty of Catholics disagree with popes,bishops and cardinals and just ignore them and go to church simply to pray to God without listening to popes.The priest simply preaches the gospel and blesses the sacraments.You havent a clue obviously about it so dont bother ranting on about stuff you are not qualified to talk about.Your buddy above talks rubbish too about stuff he or she is not qualified to talk about either by the looks of your block explorer.

[moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]

16 hours?  Only 16 hours?  We went for 14 days just a week ago so stop bitching.  I was expecting at least a month or two.  Come on fed mods, you only made me laugh with that 14 day freeze.  I wanna see 33 days.  That’s a meaningful number, you guys got the talent and balls to pull off 33 days just so I can hear this cornhole guy and guys like him who gave nothing to this coin complain some more.  DO IT, you cowards.  Show me cause so far I’m the one destroying you on Twitter and I’m still waiting for someone in your group with some guts.  Let me see a 33 day freeze.  I double dog dare you.  Haha. 

And apocalipsa’s 30 day ban expired 30 days ago.  There is no truth or honor in any of you. 

~ The good doc giving out the good meds

Cornhole.  You’re right.  No idol worship by Catholics, err, just paying respect to dead people statues.  That’s it.  Like I said, you can sugar coat abortion to sound righteous and good.  Call it what you want, this is idol worship.  Not judging, it’s not my problem, it’s just something I never really understood.

In HS my sister’s best friend for years was a die hard Catholic who wanted to be a nun, until she accidentally walked in on me getting out of the shower butt naked.  Then she changed her mind.  That bathroom had no lock on it so it was meant to be, ey.  But she was a really Christian.  She didn’t pray to any images of statues.  She prayed to God so I guess not all Catholics believe the same thing.  It’s 1.6 billion people, it’s understandable.  But the pope doesn’t discourage this.  None have that that I’ve hear of.  And that’s blasphemy and a grave sin, worse than murder. 

My best friend was Peter Martinez a Philippine fresh off the boat also catholic.  We were friends until I moved.  So I’m not anti catholic, I wish Baptists were more like them but these things, these practices are, I believe, hellbound actions.  And Baptists suffer from a couple serious issues that could also cost you your soul.  That’s why I can’t call myself any religion, just Christian and a poor one at that. To each his own, pray for the Truth and God will guide you if you’re sincere.  That’s a guarantee.  That’s what I did and I saw the flaws with Baptists which I never saw or heard of.  I told God I just wanted the absolute Truth and I didn’t care what it was.  And He gave me that.  Trust God, He’s your father and teacher not mortals. 

Now set apocalipsa free, he has work to do soon, nothing with feds, he reaches 100x bigger people and more people on Twitter.  But bitcointalk is where clowns come read up on a coin before they buy or sell to see what’s going on.  Might need Vlad2Vlad a get out of prison card but not now, and only for a month or two for the same reason.  Everybody knows Vlad and that’s important.  No harassing bitcointalk or feds, just taking care of ixc biznis. 

Thanks.  Maggots. 

~ Da Doc

[moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]
jr. member
Activity: 139
Merit: 2

Are you mad or something?

Mad? me?? I am positively insane my furry little friend.Got the cert to prove it too and I am hungry as fook for a pet poodle to walk past that came out from some bitcorn hodlrs mansion to take a piss on our tent. I hope you don't run out of battery power in that pussy tesla you probably drive down our street and meet our dev because that crazy loon will be wearing your head for a hat driving around the neighbourhood in your little bitch car after he plugs it into your brain dead head while we run after him mad max style with our mining gear plugged into your sorry a$$. That will bring a whole new meaning to the term shitcoin eh? Us gutter rats are going to run the buttcorn neighbourhood over when our dev is finished banging that old crack whore bitcoin. Ah seriously though bud,you need to start thinking positive because all that negativity is only going to make you ill and bitter when ixcorn moons and all us bums and losers have our day in the sun Cool amirite amirite

After all this ranting your last block at this moment of posting was over 16 hours ago.A shitcoin taking its last pathetic breaths before it expires into the death zone.What normal person would use a coin that takes hours,days and weeks to send to an exchange?Well your post above answers that because its obvious no normal people use this coin only nutjobs such as yourself and the rest of your deadbeat buddies ranting on about the craziest garbage I have ever read on this forum and thats saying something.:-O

Block Height   Age   TXs   Value Out   Difficulty   Extracted by
712206   11 hours 35 minutes    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xsF1WFQpcmwmM...
712205   14 hours 49 minutes    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xYSohXjRAWViz...
712204   16 hours 19 minutes    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xqP9dFVhYDYH7...
712203   19 hours 42 minutes    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xvLRTtkXheCPe...
712202   19 hours 47 minutes    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xnz4N4ZyrEKFn...
712201   20 hours 2 minutes    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xnmNpN2qDJWox...
712200   20 hours 15 minutes    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xoM8A3ynZCXX3...
712199   20 hours 21 minutes    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xngEmJ95XAKUe...
712198   21 hours 15 minutes    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xn1YkafqXJwAx...
712197   21 hours 34 minutes    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k

For Catholics who believe in the false blasphemy Christogram here’s a free lesson. 

Iησoυς Xριστoς  = Jesus Christ in old Greek. 

Clear?  The above blasphemy ignores the first name and creates a new form of christogram but it’s not.  It’s Chi Roh, XP, the first two letters in the name Christ.  Now how many of you use your initials say my name, Paul Vlad, instead of using PV I use VL.  Has anyone on this planet ever seen 1 human use their name initials that way or is it ALWAYS first letter of first and last name.  So why is the above diabolical image called a Christian Monogram. 

Look at it stupids.  The I for Jesus is replaced by a P.  What does the P stand for?  Papacy or Pope.  The christogram is now transformed into the papacy or Pope is head of X or Christ.  Only the devil pretends to be the Christ.  The false Christ. 

Stop worshipping idols and symbols which 99% of Christians that use them have no clue what they REALLY mean. 

Dear Pope, you’re an elected political official chosen by God, some are good some are evil like any politician.  That’s all you are.  Not one of you, not even one of the apostles was ever infallible let alone a maggot human who never walked with Jesus.  Stop replacing God by worshipping mortals and idols and symbols.  It’s an evil wicked practice that leads to hell. 

More bullshit rantings from another one here too.Catholics dont worship the pope.The pope is simply on the seat of ST Peter.The church belongs to Jesus Christ while popes come and go.Plenty of Catholics disagree with popes,bishops and cardinals and just ignore them and go to church simply to pray to God without listening to popes.The priest simply preaches the gospel and blesses the sacraments.You havent a clue obviously about it so dont bother ranting on about stuff you are not qualified to talk about.Your buddy above talks rubbish too about stuff he or she is not qualified to talk about either by the looks of your block explorer.

[moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]
Activity: 81
Merit: 77

Are you mad or something?

Mad? me?? I am positively insane my furry little friend.Got the cert to prove it too and I am hungry as fook for a pet poodle to walk past that came out from some bitcorn hodlrs mansion to take a piss on our tent. I hope you don't run out of battery power in that pussy tesla you probably drive down our street and meet our dev because that crazy loon will be wearing your head for a hat driving around the neighbourhood in your little bitch car after he plugs it into your brain dead head while we run after him mad max style with our mining gear plugged into your sorry a$$. That will bring a whole new meaning to the term shitcoin eh? Us gutter rats are going to run the buttcorn neighbourhood over when our dev is finished banging that old crack whore bitcoin. Ah seriously though bud,you need to start thinking positive because all that negativity is only going to make you ill and bitter when ixcorn moons and all us bums and losers have our day in the sun Cool amirite amirite

Hahaha.  You’re right.  Like usual.  Vlad would wear his head too.  It’s his style.  Hahaha. 

Gold, Jerry, Gold. 

Vlad is bored.  Posted an easy riddle on telegram.

“Why is the Bitcoin whitepaper 9 pages?”

This is level one stuff and a stepping stone to Satoshi. 

Theft, financial fraud and Retaliation against a whistleblower are serious crimes no matter who you are, bitcointalk and Microguy.  You gonna stop all the EU powers and lawyers too?  You may control American politicians but I’m a EU member and we all know how much EU loves the US.  Lol

Microguy the thieving lying DEA agent.  You cost my brother’s life. You didn’t think abusing my rights and banning me from here would stop me did you?  I’m a man of my world,  I’m gonna keep coming for you and your corrupt Amerikan agency, LOUD, publicly and with a class action suit and punitive damages. Hopefully criminal charges too.

* continue breaking the criminal whistleblower laws by deleting this factual post.  Screenshot for my file.  Thank you. 

No delete.  What in the world?  You asshats finally learned the rule of law and none of you cunts are above it? 

Microguy, for my brother whose life I would have saved, so help me God I won’t rest until you’re in ruins, in prison or dead.  You maggot.  You’re gonna be the collateral damage for your theft and lies not my brother. 

I’ll bring all you arrogant assholes down to earth, down to reality, one way or another, one court or another, you will see justice before you go to your worm hole and to hell.  What I wrote today is gonna be talked about amongst congressmen, I guarantee it.  Especially since crypto is becoming a hot topic.  I’m hoping the EU brings you down tho since I’m a EU citizen you robbed.  Maggots. 

* screenshot for regular retaliatory deletion

Come on, stop Twitter and all the agencies and lawyers I sent these FACTS to that can be easily proved in court. 

* screenshot - keep deleting more facts and actions I have taken as a whistleblower.  I’ll decide how many feds I take down - maybe including the fed inside cryptsy for which I have proof.  Too bad, I like him, I was gonna hire him. 

I only wanted my 50 million bluecoin, only ~8% of the entire coin.  Lol

Now I’m gonna require my 500,000 ixcoins stolen too.  My 150,000 hunter coins and a couple hundred K i0C coins.

Keep the rest.  And no, I don’t want cash.  I want the coins, and I will get the coins. 


* screenshot - for expected retaliation and deletion of factual info regarding mass multi billion dollar theft by US federal agents.  Go ahead, delete more evidence, my file is getting decades of prison deep and punitive damages that much bigger since I lost my younger brother due to you crooks. 

Vlad is bored.  Posted an easy riddle on telegram.

“Why is the Bitcoin whitepaper 9 pages?”

This is level one stuff and a stepping stone to Satoshi. 

The Bitcoin white paper is 9 pages not by accident but to symbolize something special to Satoshi. 

9 = IX for the retards at play.  What’s IX? 

The IX monogram is formed by the combination of the letter "I" or Iota for Iesous (Iησoυς, Jesus in Greek) and "X" or Chi for Christos (Xριστoς, Christ in Greek)

Iησoυς Xριστoς

Soon after Ixcoin tenebrix was created.  What does tenebrix stand for?  Hmmmm, another touch one.  Sorry, it’s not an NFT, it’s actually real research requiring some basic knowledge of Latin and other languages.  Not for the 99%.  Tenebrix was the first scrypt Coin that Lee copied, it was another original masterpiece by Satoshi.

Tenebrae in Latin means darkness.  Replace the last two letters, ae, with IX, and you get TenebrIX.  IX meaning Jesus Christ which is also Light and you get Light Out of Darkness. 

The first 5-7 coins have the same signature and made by Satoshi.  I can prove even HunterGame was made by Satoshi and not some dead Russian. 

Now, you idiots, how hard is it to figure out who satoshi is.  I can’t wait to see you all go from million and some from billions to nothing.  You earned it for your evil selfish nature. 

I cracked all these and more alone.  How?  Because my mind is wired from childhood to look for and to leave the same imprints.  It adds risk but people are too stupid to see it and It runs too deep to leave it out when that’s your primary conviction in life. 

4 million losers on this worthless forum. 

* screenshot - blah blah blah

For Catholics who believe in the false blasphemy Christogram here’s a free lesson. 

Iησoυς Xριστoς  = Jesus Christ in old Greek. 

Clear?  The above blasphemy ignores the first name and creates a new form of christogram but it’s not.  It’s Chi Roh, XP, the first two letters in the name Christ.  Now how many of you use your initials say my name, Paul Vlad, instead of using PV I use VL.  Has anyone on this planet ever seen 1 human use their name initials that way or is it ALWAYS first letter of first and last name.  So why is the above diabolical image called a Christian Monogram. 

Look at it stupids.  The I for Jesus is replaced by a P.  What does the P stand for?  Papacy or Pope.  The christogram is now transformed into the papacy or Pope is head of X or Christ.  Only the devil pretends to be the Christ.  The false Christ. 

Stop worshipping idols and symbols which 99% of Christians that use them have no clue what they REALLY mean. 

Dear Pope, you’re an elected political official chosen by God, some are good some are evil like any politician.  That’s all you are.  Not one of you, not even one of the apostles was ever infallible let alone a maggot human who never walked with Jesus.  Stop replacing God by worshipping mortals and idols and symbols.  It’s an evil wicked practice that leads to hell. 

BTW, I did not read the above anywhere nor see it on YouTube.  IX made sense then I saw PX which didn’t.  So I asked why?  It didn’t take long to see it cuts Jesus out and replaced it with the Pope.  How many people ask why?  How many get an answer or not even the priests know? 

Stop evil practices -  it’s your soul and your free will but this is so black and white it’s absurd. 

BTW, some of the best Christians I’ve ever met were Catholics so to me it’s a tragedy. 

[moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]
hero member
Activity: 1451
Merit: 973

Are you mad or something?

Mad? me?? I am positively insane my furry little friend.Got the cert to prove it too and I am hungry as fook for a pet poodle to walk past that came out from some bitcorn hodlrs mansion to take a piss on our tent. I hope you don't run out of battery power in that pussy tesla you probably drive down our street and meet our dev because that crazy loon will be wearing your head for a hat driving around the neighbourhood in your little bitch car after he plugs it into your brain dead head while we run after him mad max style with our mining gear plugged into your sorry a$$. That will bring a whole new meaning to the term shitcoin eh? Us gutter rats are going to run the buttcorn neighbourhood over when our dev is finished banging that old crack whore bitcoin. Ah seriously though bud,you need to start thinking positive because all that negativity is only going to make you ill and bitter when ixcorn moons and all us bums and losers have our day in the sun Cool amirite amirite
jr. member
Activity: 139
Merit: 2

Coin is dead  Roll Eyes

Shut up fool. I mine this thang in a fucking dumpster and wires be all over the place. Not easy when you are drunk and high all the time just to stay warm. Shut da fug up unless you are going to donate something Kiss

 Roll Eyes
Are you mad or something??No need to answer though because I read the first few pages of this thread and its clearly inhabited with losers and delusional outcasts from the bitcoin community.This is the dark corner of that street downtown where all the homless bums hang out.Yeah I can imagine you living in a dumpster alright mining your shitcoin on a stolen laptop you found in the dustbin behind some Bitcoin holders house in the rich suburbs.I can picture it now.Bunch of losers looking for scraps from the Bitcoin community's bin :-)))
hero member
Activity: 1451
Merit: 973

Coin is dead  Roll Eyes

Shut up fool. I mine this thang in a fucking dumpster and wires be all over the place. Not easy when you are drunk and high all the time just to stay warm. Shut da fug up unless you are going to donate something Kiss
Activity: 81
Merit: 77

Wait wat?IXC?? thought we were talking about twin brothers coin or some other shit.What fresh hell of a shitcoin is this IXC? :-)))

Is this it because that would only prove I am right? <
You have probably a coin you cant even use or sell now while your devs have a big truckload on an exchange waiting to dump on some poor fool who doesnt even know they are buying a dead coin they cant even withdraw from the exchange all the while same devs know nobody else now can dump along with them because they have them trapped on a dead blockchain.You have been suckered by your devs.PROVE ME WRONG GENIUS!!!

Why hire a common dev, spend thousands on marketing, build and play the market of the coin on an exchange to make it look desirable and then dump on fools, when you can spend 10 years working on ixcoin, get good devs with good reputation to work on it, market make it little by little, without any pump and dumps in a decade JUST to dump on "fools" at pennies, right? Roll Eyes

They would be one of the worst scammers ever, if that were the case. Profiting about $100 in a decade.

EDIT: updating the codebase it's not the only thing considered "work" on a coin.

Coin is dead  Roll Eyes

Block Height   Age   TXs   Value Out   Difficulty   Extracted by
712115   13 days 5 hours    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xmhCoH5EXKpPH...
712114   13 days 5 hours    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xYJxxYKw9hTYP...
712113   13 days 5 hours    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xrusH66y8xunt...
712112   13 days 5 hours    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xoq37c8VTMZdz...
712111   13 days 5 hours    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xr1Lr2thLTxJJ...
712110   13 days 5 hours    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xoKdMGzBuzdMx...
712109   13 days 5 hours    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xafe4rffA8xrb...
712108   13 days 5 hours    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xekAXX99KKWDU...
712107   13 days 5 hours    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xb6TK1CQYv91x...
712106   13 days 5 hours    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xYYVGnEkSPQuF...

Frozen isn’t dead.  We have millions of dollars of hash mining away.  This is personal cause vlad went after bitcointalk and the feds and reported them to AG of New York and 2 congressmen.  They banned him for life and ruined his thread messing with his chain seems like a big coincidence.   

I’m not gonna sweat it.  Nobody is gonna stop ixc, just a bump in the road.  I hope you guys have some ixc on exchange tho cause if it moons you won’t be able to move any coins from cold storage.  Since I got hacked for all I had I spread my coins everywhere so I don’t care what these clowns are doing as long as the hash stays high. 

If all your coins are in cold storage, btc included, it’s a bad idea.  Any chain can freeze or get hacked, or 51’d and you can’t move to an exchange to dump.  It’s logical to see a big jump in price just to make this look much worse and everyone will blame Vlad.  Like Vlad cares. 

jr. member
Activity: 139
Merit: 2

Wait wat?IXC?? thought we were talking about twin brothers coin or some other shit.What fresh hell of a shitcoin is this IXC? :-)))

Is this it because that would only prove I am right? <
You have probably a coin you cant even use or sell now while your devs have a big truckload on an exchange waiting to dump on some poor fool who doesnt even know they are buying a dead coin they cant even withdraw from the exchange all the while same devs know nobody else now can dump along with them because they have them trapped on a dead blockchain.You have been suckered by your devs.PROVE ME WRONG GENIUS!!!

Why hire a common dev, spend thousands on marketing, build and play the market of the coin on an exchange to make it look desirable and then dump on fools, when you can spend 10 years working on ixcoin, get good devs with good reputation to work on it, market make it little by little, without any pump and dumps in a decade JUST to dump on "fools" at pennies, right? Roll Eyes

They would be one of the worst scammers ever, if that were the case. Profiting about $100 in a decade.

EDIT: updating the codebase it's not the only thing considered "work" on a coin.

Coin is dead  Roll Eyes

Block Height   Age   TXs   Value Out   Difficulty   Extracted by
712115   13 days 5 hours    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xmhCoH5EXKpPH...
712114   13 days 5 hours    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xYJxxYKw9hTYP...
712113   13 days 5 hours    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xrusH66y8xunt...
712112   13 days 5 hours    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xoq37c8VTMZdz...
712111   13 days 5 hours    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xr1Lr2thLTxJJ...
712110   13 days 5 hours    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xoKdMGzBuzdMx...
712109   13 days 5 hours    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xafe4rffA8xrb...
712108   13 days 5 hours    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xekAXX99KKWDU...
712107   13 days 5 hours    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xb6TK1CQYv91x...
712106   13 days 5 hours    1   1.0 IXC   5035.4 k   xYYVGnEkSPQuF...
jr. member
Activity: 52
Merit: 36

Wait wat?IXC?? thought we were talking about twin brothers coin or some other shit.What fresh hell of a shitcoin is this IXC? :-)))

Is this it because that would only prove I am right? <
You have probably a coin you cant even use or sell now while your devs have a big truckload on an exchange waiting to dump on some poor fool who doesnt even know they are buying a dead coin they cant even withdraw from the exchange all the while same devs know nobody else now can dump along with them because they have them trapped on a dead blockchain.You have been suckered by your devs.PROVE ME WRONG GENIUS!!!

Why hire a common dev, spend thousands on marketing, build and play the market of the coin on an exchange to make it look desirable and then dump on fools, when you can spend 10 years working on ixcoin, get good devs with good reputation to work on it, market make it little by little, without any pump and dumps in a decade JUST to dump on "fools" at pennies, right? Roll Eyes

They would be one of the worst scammers ever, if that were the case. Profiting about $100 in a decade.

EDIT: updating the codebase it's not the only thing considered "work" on a coin.
jr. member
Activity: 139
Merit: 2
hurhur another dead shitcoin abandoned by developer bites the dust., scam is over ,you have been doodle duped so deal with it and move on Roll Eyes

Not sure if that was that directed at me but you do realise IXC has been around longer than most coins right? The dev has been here since 2011 until he just recently got banned off the forum so thats over 10 years working on IXC but you are a noob with only one post so I am trying to figure out if your really qualified to have a valid opinion on what goes on with IXC.

Wait wat?IXC?? thought we were talking about twin brothers coin or some other shit.What fresh hell of a shitcoin is this IXC? :-)))

Is this it because that would only prove I am right? <
You have probably a coin you cant even use or sell now while your devs have a big truckload on an exchange waiting to dump on some poor fool who doesnt even know they are buying a dead coin they cant even withdraw from the exchange all the while same devs know nobody else now can dump along with them because they have them trapped on a dead blockchain.You have been suckered by your devs.PROVE ME WRONG GENIUS!!!
jr. member
Activity: 76
Merit: 8
hurhur another dead shitcoin abandoned by developer bites the dust., scam is over ,you have been doodle duped so deal with it and move on Roll Eyes

Not sure if that was that directed at me but you do realise IXC has been around longer than most coins right? The dev has been here since 2011 until he just recently got banned off the forum so thats over 10 years working on IXC but you are a noob with only one post so I am trying to figure out if your really qualified to have a valid opinion on what goes on with IXC.
jr. member
Activity: 139
Merit: 2
hurhur another dead shitcoin abandoned by developer bites the dust., scam is over ,you have been doodle duped so deal with it and move on Roll Eyes
jr. member
Activity: 76
Merit: 8

Updating on behalf of Vlad the master riddler.  And so totally high caliber. 

“Going on 10 days with some evil force is jamming out blocks.  We have the hash so this is isn’t the miners.  Getting worried, considering perhaps maybe dumping my ixc if the retaliation is gonna destroy my coin.  Mine Mine Mine.”

Yeah, this is a first for me, never seen kinda thing before.  I’m a bit worried but I’m holding on to my 400 ixcoins. 

Trust me, I’m a Doctor

Any idea what's going on with the blockchain? Would it be seed nodes with offset timing or something like this?

Looks like it's over for IXC especially if the chain starts forking off in all directions and everyone ends up on different chains. Not sure if this will happen but it has happened to many altcoins here before.
Activity: 240
Merit: 62

Updating on behalf of Vlad the master riddler.  And so totally high caliber. 

“Going on 10 days with some evil force is jamming out blocks.  We have the hash so this is isn’t the miners.  Getting worried, considering perhaps maybe dumping my ixc if the retaliation is gonna destroy my coin.  Mine Mine Mine.”

Yeah, this is a first for me, never seen kinda thing before.  I’m a bit worried but I’m holding on to my 400 ixcoins. 

Trust me, I’m a Doctor

Any idea what's going on with the blockchain? Would it be seed nodes with offset timing or something like this?
Activity: 81
Merit: 77

Madawg, the chain for ixc has never died, just multiplied.  They banned for life and he was tired of paying for everything.  The block explorer hasn’t been paid in 6 days.  One man who’s a single dad in a third world country is not gonna keep paying for everything.  He’s already paid out 1 million ixcoins.  It’s the community’s turn.  Pitch in to develcuy address and he’ll resolve the block explorer too.  If not then let it die, if it’s not to be then so be it. 

But I doubt Vlad is wrong, the dark one is waiting for his currency, XIC. 

Nobody can donate anything until the blocks are up to date because wallets won't sync in order to send coins.

Vlad paid for nearly a year and it looks like someone else did too.  Sadly blocks still aren’t moving. 

Sad to hear Vlad has been banned for life. End of an era Sad

A new one shall begin, it’s already on the way.  They only showed their hand and who they really are. 

Vlad never dies, just multiplies.  Lol

*expect this post to be deleted like the one from yesterday.  They don’t get the hellfire Vlad can rain down on Twitter.  He’s leaving them alone but they’re still begging for max pain.  Lol

9 days without one block.  Big coincidence this started right after Vlad got banned.  Vlad and someone else paid for almost 2 years block explorer so who’s jamming our blocks cause the chain isn’t dead?

There will be repercussions, maggots. 

Updating on behalf of Vlad the master riddler.  And so totally high caliber. 

“Going on 10 days with some evil force is jamming out blocks.  We have the hash so this is isn’t the miners.  Getting worried, considering perhaps maybe dumping my ixc if the retaliation is gonna destroy my coin.  Mine Mine Mine.”

Yeah, this is a first for me, never seen kinda thing before.  I’m a bit worried but I’m holding on to my 400 ixcoins. 

Trust me, I’m a Doctor

[moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]
sr. member
Activity: 417
Merit: 265
Sad to hear Vlad has been banned for life. End of an era Sad
jr. member
Activity: 76
Merit: 8

Madawg, the chain for ixc has never died, just multiplied.  They banned for life and he was tired of paying for everything.  The block explorer hasn’t been paid in 6 days.  One man who’s a single dad in a third world country is not gonna keep paying for everything.  He’s already paid out 1 million ixcoins.  It’s the community’s turn.  Pitch in to develcuy address and he’ll resolve the block explorer too.  If not then let it die, if it’s not to be then so be it. 

But I doubt Vlad is wrong, the dark one is waiting for his currency, XIC. 

Nobody can donate anything until the blocks are up to date because wallets won't sync in order to send coins.
Activity: 81
Merit: 77
Nothing like suckling the tit of big tech censorship and big government dictatorship tech to promote decentralized tech......that fails when it gets tested like the tyrant times of today.............Keep promoting your Fag Flag Waving degenerate Anal Worshipping cults and gangs over wholesome Christians, keep hating Russia because it's building a Nation free for Christians secretly trying to generate the cloak of the cold war to hide your secret hatred towards Christians...........keep thinking your important by joining the Soro's organized hordes by opposing White Identity..............

Just think how far the New movement could go without being subject to Big Tech "Steering" committees which promote and benefit useful technologies using blockchain instead stupid things like Vaccine Kill Databases to ensure all their cattle get chipped and tracked.........

The only thing Molech Gates Soros MBS Epstein Mossad CIA will inherit after attacking Russia is eternal shame!

And Russia guarding the Gates in Syria will certainly cause your downfall!  Time is not on your side, the mass murder machine that got it's start inside Russia and Ukraine from Communist's just changed flags and political affiliations just as easily as they flip shitcoins and dump them onto the cattle and start anew.............

The Covid Scam DIVOC means Divide and Conquer!  It's the NWO great reset to re-establish Satan's reign over earth!

There is only 2 sides now.................the Vaxxed Cattle of Satan and those seeking to find God!

Just because no one has time to explain something as complicated as coding a Crypto-Currency from scratch and expect only those that can do that will escape is not reasonable to God, God has simplified the matters for those who Seek Him.........but the knowledge of God does not proceed from Big Religion either, it proceeds from the great stream of time and the historical perspective of human spiritual bondage with Christ and God...........

You might find that hard to believe or even download the partial Quantum State of the matter!  But just try downloading the images of your degenerate path of LGBTQ+ and I already know your ending in this Quantum State of being!

We Christians have already died a Million Million deaths for the preservation of Christs teaching and the knowledge of God?

Do you think we are going to stop Now?  Do you really think Forced Vaccination will work against God's People?

Do you think God is like Man that he would discard his people in favor of a Degenerate Race promoting LGBTQ+?

Amen brother.  That’s exactly how Vlad feels if you hear him talking in private chat, only he’s more blunt and direct like he has real hate for the evil in this world.  And you’re right, vlad has said long ago that this tech will be turned from good to enslave humanity.  Vlad and Apocalipsa are banned, vlad for life and Apocalipsa 30 days, but Vlad is tearing up twittter including POTUS, Sec Dev, and calling out to Rockefellers and Rothschilds, president Xi and others.  Time to come out of shadows and fulfill the prophecies sooner than later.  The cattle are ready for the fisting and chipping. 

As for me and my kin, we choose the blade.  This decaying dying body isn’t worth trading for eternity.   

But worry not, it’s not God’s predictable MO to come before he sends an avenger to turn back the tide before “the alien rapture”, but we’ll have to endure more persecution until then. 

Sadly America the great has turned into Sodom and it’s pushing it’s evil agenda on all nations.  Pro athletes die here weekly, and soccer is an outdoor game, while indoor games like basketball and all the other sports there is no forced vaccination.

So it’s clear this vaccine propaganda is coming from the USSA and I think it’s already a near done deal to partner with the Red Dragon. 


Madawg, the chain for ixc has never died, just multiplied.  They banned for life and he was tired of paying for everything.  The block explorer hasn’t been paid in 6 days.  One man who’s a single dad in a third world country is not gonna keep paying for everything.  He’s already paid out 1 million ixcoins.  It’s the community’s turn.  Pitch in to develcuy address and he’ll resolve the block explorer too.  If not then let it die, if it’s not to be then so be it. 

But I doubt Vlad is wrong, the dark one is waiting for his currency, XIC. 

Activity: 256
Merit: 60
Nothing like suckling the tit of big tech censorship and big government dictatorship tech to promote decentralized tech......that fails when it gets tested like the tyrant times of today.............Keep promoting your Fag Flag Waving degenerate Anal Worshipping cults and gangs over wholesome Christians, keep hating Russia because it's building a Nation free for Christians secretly trying to generate the cloak of the cold war to hide your secret hatred towards Christians...........keep thinking your important by joining the Soro's organized hordes by opposing White Identity..............

Just think how far the New movement could go without being subject to Big Tech "Steering" committees which promote and benefit useful technologies using blockchain instead stupid things like Vaccine Kill Databases to ensure all their cattle get chipped and tracked.........

The only thing Molech Gates Soros MBS Epstein Mossad CIA will inherit after attacking Russia is eternal shame!

And Russia guarding the Gates in Syria will certainly cause your downfall!  Time is not on your side, the mass murder machine that got it's start inside Russia and Ukraine from Communist's just changed flags and political affiliations just as easily as they flip shitcoins and dump them onto the cattle and start anew.............

The Covid Scam DIVOC means Divide and Conquer!  It's the NWO great reset to re-establish Satan's reign over earth!

There is only 2 sides now.................the Vaxxed Cattle of Satan and those seeking to find God!

Just because no one has time to explain something as complicated as coding a Crypto-Currency from scratch and expect only those that can do that will escape is not reasonable to God, God has simplified the matters for those who Seek Him.........but the knowledge of God does not proceed from Big Religion either, it proceeds from the great stream of time and the historical perspective of human spiritual bondage with Christ and God...........

You might find that hard to believe or even download the partial Quantum State of the matter!  But just try downloading the images of your degenerate path of LGBTQ+ and I already know your ending in this Quantum State of being!

We Christians have already died a Million Million deaths for the preservation of Christs teaching and the knowledge of God?

Do you think we are going to stop Now?  Do you really think Forced Vaccination will work against God's People?

Do you think God is like Man that he would discard his people in favor of a Degenerate Race promoting LGBTQ+?
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