Honestly I really really miss this thread in the old days when it was Vlad's thread
I stopped reading it completely because it lost its magic. Why did you do this to this thread guys? It was a gem; now all is left is reading the ol posts
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Date Registered: September 12, 2017, 12:16:16 AM
Last Active: Today at 03:50:26 PM
Speaking of the old days, I remember on September 12, 2017, I was fucking a goat and thinking at the time that doing such completely lost its magic. Now I have goats fuck me, restoring the magic. What a gem they are.
This is a great example of a very vulgar reply ! I do not enjoy reading posts like these, bad quality.
Obviously I posted this from an alt of mine. Too hard to grasp? The point is exactly this. A great thread turned from nice riddles into a vulgar mess of weird pictures and swearing. Not good, not cool, not funny. Please reconsider.