Here's the same white paper on Adam Back's site:'s John Tromp:'d employ a different proof-of-work that doesn't provide much benefit to GPUs/ASICs,
but rather depends on many gigabytes of memory (just for generating, not for verifying)
Well, that's what I'm trying to design right now:)
Wanna take a guess on how many times John posted during normal working hours in NY while employed at Renaissance Technologies?
Are you ready for the Adam Back connection besides Hashcash et al.?
Meanwhile, some facts:
John Mercer hates the Fed.
Bitcoin is just an experiment.
Any questions?
Oh, and here's the NDA them crypto dudes would've had to abide
my by [edit; see timestamp as to when]:
If asked if you're Satoshi Nakamoto, honestly reply with a no if alluded to being a singe entity.
If asked if you're part of Team Satoshi Nakamoto, reply with a lie - NO!
Teacher: Any questions?
Crypto Dude: Hey, when do I stop posting as SN?
Teacher: When we introduce WikiLeaks being a hornets nest.
Crypto Dude: What's a WikiLeaks?
Teacher: Just something we created to control the signals of which we here at RenTec profit from.