...Interesting note!
Thomas Nasakioto once said that IX was ready to be launched earlier than it did but they decided to wait. Never said why. And why would you wait for NameCoin when you could be first.
This is probably just more coincidences but the day IX was born, April 29th, I found these 2 events to have historical interest [in my mind].
April 29, 1644 - Farm leader Li Zicheng (born a peasant), known as the
"Dashing king", becomes emperor of China & flees Peking
April 29, 1670 - Pope Clemens
X elected
Emperor Li Zicheng is interesting to me cause he rose up from being a peasant to overthrow the powerful ~300 year old Ming Dinasty. You're gonna have to do the 2+2 yourselves on this one.
Pope Clemens X is interesting to me cause, well, cause there's a big blatant
X right there, he was ROMAN, and obviously Catholic. A born Catholic and theologian like Dr. Wright [who may have founded Bitcoin in part based on Roman history and mythology] might relate to this symbolism. Especially since he appears fond of Steganography.