Did My Rockefeller ever live in communism as a commoner to experience this happiness and high morale? Lol
Communism is a evil and a lie. The only equal distribution is of fear, misery and death of the innocent.
I grew up in hardline communism and they had the lowest morale in factories and fields and they ALL stole out of spite and need. It bred generations of thieves.
People to this day take their jobs as a joke cause that’s what the communism bred into them. Minimal salary, advancement only if you had relatives and connections up high. As a kid I used to hear Workers laughing how they took two hours breaks or leave early. How they purposely built crappy cars. Did Rockefeller ever own a TV, or car or fridge made in the East bloc? Haha, doubt it.
And why did Americans blow the east bloc away In productivity and GDP even tho communists were secretly using massive slave camps For free labor and paid their employees way less? I’ll tell you, cause most hated their lives and jobs and they were there just doing the minimal possible to not get fired and out of spite purposely didn’t care about quality or output. I still have vivid memories of this.
Capitalism has its flaws but with minimal yet effective controls it’s the best way. Sadly the capitalism in America today is not what made it great. It’s become some sort of crony commie/fascism. A new bastard evil breed worst than the rest, called liberalism. Liberals are the destroyers of America, the greatest country that ever was.
At least the old commies cared about some morality like the the family and a good education - I was way ahead of Americans when I landed. Liberals hate the family and seek to destroy it not realizing they’re committing suicide.
So clearly then the left is funded by fake “republican” Rockefellers and their Jerkoff dream is to merge with China. Makes sense (880). If the redshields feel the same way or worse (they flooded Europe with Islam) then the whole world is doomed.
I guess we ran our course and we had a good run. Time for some civil wars no doubt. Discounts on Romanian made Crates of AKs to the right wingers who believe in freedom, and nothing raises your morale more than loving your country, your family and your job and a good payday and the freedom to do with it as you will (like buy crates of Romanian AKs). lol
God bless America!!!
Quick game. Real life experience vs ivory tower godless douches that haven’t worked a day in their lives yet try to create some circle jerk utopia for us the 99% realists.
Exhibit 1: 70’s East bloc typical malnourished suffering family. How is that motivation and morale looking?
I can get you hundreds of family pics from the 70’s and 80’s and they all look the same. People that are dead inside for they have no hope or dreams. All killed by your BS high morale communism.
This was and will always be the reality of communism and liberalism is even more diabocal.
Exhibit B. Only 1-2 years after reaching America. With one income supporting a family of 8. After arriving no zero money, zero English and just the clothes on our backs.
Call me crazy but we don’t look malnourished or depressed anymore. Capitalism and freedom: Instant cure
Exhibit C: A few years later. Still in California before it turned to maggot-land. Still single income family supporting a family of 8. How’s the health, morale and happy meter looking compared to Commie exhibit A?
This is reality not the piss pipe dream of billionaires and trillionsures that have never worked a day in their lives not lived the life of a peasant to watch their children suffer while they can only hope and pray for help, which rarely ever does.
Capitalism is the cure, just keep the family together by purging these evil bastards that have destroyed it. The family was the key. Destroy that and you demoralize and destroy an entire nation from within.
Capitalism didn’t destroy America - it was the undermining of the education system, the family, religion and the economy to get the woman out of the house, knowing the family was the hardest to destroy yet the most important part of the plan. It was these low lives with too much money and dark souls that destroyed America not Old school, fair opportunity for all capitalism.
Now I’m angry. Better get some Netflix to numb my senses like the rest of the monkeys.
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