
Topic: The Staggering Secret History of the Hellish A-bomb (Read 1921 times)

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
What you are doing, is changing the subject. I am trying to keep the history strait. Bombing of Japan was an atrocity, a war crime, and two war crimes don't make things right again. Bombing of Japan was as "necessary" as the bombing of Dresden by the Western allies.

Nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a revenge by the American military for the humiliation of Pearl Harbor as well as bombing of Dresden was a revenge by the British military for Luftwaffe attacks on London. In both cases these operations didn't make much sense militarily but rather were acts of intimidation and retaliation.

Japanese war machine was based on raw materials and financing provided to it by USA right before WWII (from Oliver Stones history documentaries). You reap what you saw. Also, I've read arguments that Pearl Harbour was a staged false flag.

Wow.. Just wow.

Frankly I do not think you have a clue regarding military strategy, as evidenced by projection concepts such as this or that military action was done as an act of intimidation or retaliation.

And you say that I'm changing the subject?  Well, whatever.

Yes, you changed the subject, I followed your lead. What "projection concepts" are you talking about?

You want military strategy, how about this quote (back to subject):

The most authoritative Air Force unit during World War II was the U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey, which selected targets on the basis of need, and which analyzed the results for future missions. In Hiroshima’s Shadow, the U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey report of July 1, 1946 states, “The Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs did not defeat Japan, nor by the testimony of the enemy leaders who ended the war did they persuade Japan to accept unconditional surrender. The Emperor, the lord privy seal, the prime minister, the foreign minister, and the navy minister had decided as early as May 1945 that the war should be ended even if it meant acceptance of defeat on allied terms…. It is the Survey’s opinion that certainly prior to December 1, 1945 and in all probability prior to November 1, 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated.

One of the most vociferous critics of the atomic bombings was David Lawrence, founder and editor of U.S. News and World Report. He signed a number of stinging editorials, the first on August 17, 1945.

“Military necessity will be our constant cry in answer to criticism, but it will never erase from our minds the simple truth, that we, of all civilized nations, though hesitating to use poison gas, did not hesitate to employ the most destructive weapon of all times indiscriminately against men, women and children.” On October 5, Lawrence continued his attack, “The United States should be the first to condemn the atomic bomb and apologize for its use against Japan. Spokesmen for the Army Air Forces said it wasn’t necessary and that the war had been won already. Competent testimony exists to prove that Japan was seeking to surrender many weeks before the atomic bomb came.” On November 23, Lawrence wrote, “The truth is we are guilty. Our conscience as a nation must trouble us. We must confess our sin. We have used a horrible weapon to asphyxiate and cremate more than 100,000 men, women and children in a sort of super-lethal gas chamber— and all this in a war already won or which spokesman for our Air Forces tell us we could have readily won without the atomic bomb. We ought, therefore, to apologize in unequivocal terms at once to the whole world for our misuse of the atomic bomb.”

David Lawrence was an avowed conservative, a successful businessman, who knew eleven presidents of the United States intimately, and was awarded the Medal of Freedom by President Richard M. Nixon, April 22, 1970.

Also, you accused me of some "preferred narrative" or something. Wouldn't it be better if you talked about a more impersonal and scientific term of "theory". The Official theory does not hold, as seen from multiple evidences. A theory that I viewed as the most fact-supported until now was that USA dropped the A-bombs on Japan so as to prevent Japan from capitulating to the advancing Soviet troops. But in light of the evidence presented in this article (cities spared fire-bombimg and designated for A-bombing), I see that the "Soviet-prevention" theory is too weak and that A-bomb test subject" theory has more weight.


Your sources are not credible.  They exist in a small circle of self referential Internet conspiracy sites and nowhere else.  You then attempt to draw conclusions from this flawed group of sources...

I actually can't let this slip...

You are trying to disprove me by using a variation on the Ad Hominem logical fallacy. Using your "logic", everything that comes from Fox News or BBC is an absolute and indisputable truth. You never actually addressed the issues raised in the OP article, but rather attacked the medium, where these issues were given a space for expression.

The article is very specific, which core sources it uses. So, in you opinion the following sources are flawed:
- U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey
- Mahatma Gandhi
- World Court (THE COURT OF INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE) on request by The General Assembly of the United Nations

And as the closing quotes from the article:


Because Japan was occupied by the U.S. Military in 1945, the Japanese Government was never allowed any opportunity to file any legal charges about the use of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Although Japanese leaders were tried and executed for “war crimes” no one was ever charged for the atomic bombings. It was not until 1996 that the World Court delivered an opinion on the use of nuclear weapons, (p.565, Hiroshima’s Shadows) “In July 1996, the World court took a stand in its first formal opinion on the legality of nuclear weapons. Two years earlier, the United Nations had asked the Court for an advisory opinion. The General Assembly of the United Nations posed a single, yet profoundly basic, question for consideration. It the threat of use of nuclear weapons on any circumstances permitted under international law? For the first time, the world’s pre-eminent judicial authority has considered the question of criminality vis-a-vis the use of a nuclear weapon, and, in doing so, it has come to the conclusion that the use of a nuclear weapon is ‘unlawful’. It is also the Court’s view that even the threat of the use of a nuclear weapon is illegal. Although there were differences concerning the implications of the right of self-defense provided by Article 51 of the U.N. Charter, ten of the fourteen judges hearing the case found the use of threat to use a nuclear weapon to be illegal on the basis of the existing canon of humanitarian law which governs the conduct of armed conflict. The judges based their opinion on more than a century of treatise and conventions that are collectively known as the ‘Hague’ and ‘Geneva’ laws.”

Thus the Court ruled that nuclear weapons are illegal under the Hague and Geneva conventions , agreements which were in existence at the time of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. They were illegal then, and they are illegal now.


Among world leaders who spoke out about the United States’ use of atomic weapons in Japan, Mahatma Gandhi echoed the general climate of opinion. P.258, Hiroshima’s Shadow: “The atomic bomb has deadened the finest feelings which have sustained mankind for ages. There used to be so-called laws of war which made it tolerable. Now we understand the naked truth. War knows no law except that of might. The atomic bomb brought an empty victory to the Allied armies. It has resulted for the time being in the soul of Japan being destroyed. What has happened to the soul of the destroying nation is yet too early to see. Truth needs to be repeated as long as there are men who do not believe it.”


These "sources" are simply opinions.  They are not facts.  When they are presented as facts that is mis representation.

For example, consider the following.

David Lawrence was strongly against the atomic bomb, but nobody ever cared about his thought son the matter.  Gandi too, was against it.  But what else would you expect from Gandi?  And the World Court issued a ruling on the matter in 1996.  But nobody ever pays any attention to the World Court, it's pretty much a farce.

This places these various opinions in a broader context.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
What you are doing, is changing the subject. I am trying to keep the history strait. Bombing of Japan was an atrocity, a war crime, and two war crimes don't make things right again. Bombing of Japan was as "necessary" as the bombing of Dresden by the Western allies.

Nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a revenge by the American military for the humiliation of Pearl Harbor as well as bombing of Dresden was a revenge by the British military for Luftwaffe attacks on London. In both cases these operations didn't make much sense militarily but rather were acts of intimidation and retaliation.

Japanese war machine was based on raw materials and financing provided to it by USA right before WWII (from Oliver Stones history documentaries). You reap what you saw. Also, I've read arguments that Pearl Harbour was a staged false flag.

Wow.. Just wow.

Frankly I do not think you have a clue regarding military strategy, as evidenced by projection concepts such as this or that military action was done as an act of intimidation or retaliation.

And you say that I'm changing the subject?  Well, whatever.

Yes, you changed the subject, I followed your lead. What "projection concepts" are you talking about?

You want military strategy, how about this quote (back to subject):

The most authoritative Air Force unit during World War II was the U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey, which selected targets on the basis of need, and which analyzed the results for future missions. In Hiroshima’s Shadow, the U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey report of July 1, 1946 states, “The Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs did not defeat Japan, nor by the testimony of the enemy leaders who ended the war did they persuade Japan to accept unconditional surrender. The Emperor, the lord privy seal, the prime minister, the foreign minister, and the navy minister had decided as early as May 1945 that the war should be ended even if it meant acceptance of defeat on allied terms…. It is the Survey’s opinion that certainly prior to December 1, 1945 and in all probability prior to November 1, 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated.

One of the most vociferous critics of the atomic bombings was David Lawrence, founder and editor of U.S. News and World Report. He signed a number of stinging editorials, the first on August 17, 1945.

“Military necessity will be our constant cry in answer to criticism, but it will never erase from our minds the simple truth, that we, of all civilized nations, though hesitating to use poison gas, did not hesitate to employ the most destructive weapon of all times indiscriminately against men, women and children.” On October 5, Lawrence continued his attack, “The United States should be the first to condemn the atomic bomb and apologize for its use against Japan. Spokesmen for the Army Air Forces said it wasn’t necessary and that the war had been won already. Competent testimony exists to prove that Japan was seeking to surrender many weeks before the atomic bomb came.” On November 23, Lawrence wrote, “The truth is we are guilty. Our conscience as a nation must trouble us. We must confess our sin. We have used a horrible weapon to asphyxiate and cremate more than 100,000 men, women and children in a sort of super-lethal gas chamber— and all this in a war already won or which spokesman for our Air Forces tell us we could have readily won without the atomic bomb. We ought, therefore, to apologize in unequivocal terms at once to the whole world for our misuse of the atomic bomb.”

David Lawrence was an avowed conservative, a successful businessman, who knew eleven presidents of the United States intimately, and was awarded the Medal of Freedom by President Richard M. Nixon, April 22, 1970.

Also, you accused me of some "preferred narrative" or something. Wouldn't it be better if you talked about a more impersonal and scientific term of "theory". The Official theory does not hold, as seen from multiple evidences. A theory that I viewed as the most fact-supported until now was that USA dropped the A-bombs on Japan so as to prevent Japan from capitulating to the advancing Soviet troops. But in light of the evidence presented in this article (cities spared fire-bombimg and designated for A-bombing), I see that the "Soviet-prevention" theory is too weak and that A-bomb test subject" theory has more weight.


Your sources are not credible.  They exist in a small circle of self referential Internet conspiracy sites and nowhere else.  You then attempt to draw conclusions from this flawed group of sources...

I actually can't let this slip...

You are trying to disprove me by using a variation on the Ad Hominem logical fallacy. Using your "logic", everything that comes from Fox News or BBC is an absolute and indisputable truth. You never actually addressed the issues raised in the OP article, but rather attacked the medium, where these issues were given a space for expression.

The article is very specific, which core sources it uses. So, in you opinion the following sources are flawed:
- U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey
- Mahatma Gandhi
- World Court (THE COURT OF INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE) on request by The General Assembly of the United Nations

And as the closing quotes from the article:


Because Japan was occupied by the U.S. Military in 1945, the Japanese Government was never allowed any opportunity to file any legal charges about the use of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Although Japanese leaders were tried and executed for “war crimes” no one was ever charged for the atomic bombings. It was not until 1996 that the World Court delivered an opinion on the use of nuclear weapons, (p.565, Hiroshima’s Shadows) “In July 1996, the World court took a stand in its first formal opinion on the legality of nuclear weapons. Two years earlier, the United Nations had asked the Court for an advisory opinion. The General Assembly of the United Nations posed a single, yet profoundly basic, question for consideration. It the threat of use of nuclear weapons on any circumstances permitted under international law? For the first time, the world’s pre-eminent judicial authority has considered the question of criminality vis-a-vis the use of a nuclear weapon, and, in doing so, it has come to the conclusion that the use of a nuclear weapon is ‘unlawful’. It is also the Court’s view that even the threat of the use of a nuclear weapon is illegal. Although there were differences concerning the implications of the right of self-defense provided by Article 51 of the U.N. Charter, ten of the fourteen judges hearing the case found the use of threat to use a nuclear weapon to be illegal on the basis of the existing canon of humanitarian law which governs the conduct of armed conflict. The judges based their opinion on more than a century of treatise and conventions that are collectively known as the ‘Hague’ and ‘Geneva’ laws.”

Thus the Court ruled that nuclear weapons are illegal under the Hague and Geneva conventions , agreements which were in existence at the time of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. They were illegal then, and they are illegal now.


Among world leaders who spoke out about the United States’ use of atomic weapons in Japan, Mahatma Gandhi echoed the general climate of opinion. P.258, Hiroshima’s Shadow: “The atomic bomb has deadened the finest feelings which have sustained mankind for ages. There used to be so-called laws of war which made it tolerable. Now we understand the naked truth. War knows no law except that of might. The atomic bomb brought an empty victory to the Allied armies. It has resulted for the time being in the soul of Japan being destroyed. What has happened to the soul of the destroying nation is yet too early to see. Truth needs to be repeated as long as there are men who do not believe it.”

Activity: 1267
Merit: 1000
Listen to this interview by Douglas Dietrich, and your mind will be blown.

It is a long video, but starts getting into the good stuff around 30:00.

He claims the start of WWII/pearl harbor attack was instigated by the US:

Douglas Dietrich was a D.O.D. (Department of Defense) Research Librarian for almost a decade, responsible for incinerating highly classified materials on critical historical topics such as Pearl Harbor, Roswell, Viêt-Nam, and the different ethnic holocausts; as well as documents exposing the reality behind vampires, zombies, Soviet psychic warfare, and other occult phenomena. Volumes of notes on Tesla, H.P. Lovecraft, L. Ron Hubbard, the Vatican and United Nations were destroyed, along with reams of reports detailing everything from military/intelligence-sponsored drug-smuggling operations to experimental mind-control programs. Records plundered from both Allied and enemy states articulated the hidden objectives of modern mass-movements such as Nat-Zism, Zionism, Izamicism (Wähhä'bīst/Islamist Fundamentalism), Vouhodouxnism ("Voodooism"), and other ideologies.
Now that does sound like some of the "good stuff."

I guess our killing off all the zombies and vampires would be considered Ethnic holocausts.

Does he discuss Bikini-Ism?

Inquiring minds would like to know.

Look, this comes from the tin foil realm of Coast to Coast and that ilk.
Need I say more? Wink
hero member
Activity: 742
Merit: 526
They knew that Japan was going to attack, because they had outrightly and intentionally dishonored Japan in their trade agreements. The idea was to provoke Japan into war. The reason was that, almost from its inception, the U.S. government leaders had always been war mongers. The idea has been to make the U.S. into an imperial nation, an empire, like it is today. And they would like to think that they are only beginning in this conquering of the world.

That's a half crazy bullshit story.

You presume that before a war, someone would actually know that they would win it.   

Actually, it was neither the first nor the last time when countries instigate an attack on them. However crazy it may look, you may have no other option left but to provoke your enemy to attack you if it becomes stronger with time, stronger than your country, and would all the same attack you in the future.

In addition, nobody in the U.S. higher-ups knew for an absolute fact that Japan would attack. However, there didn't seem to be any alternative. And they guesstimated correctly.

The timing on the part of Japan was great. It was part of what the U.S. needed to help get its people into WWII. If the American people hadn't allowed the government to get into WWII, would Hitler have beaten Europe, allied itself with Russia, and ultimately become too strong for the U.S. to conquer? Probably. Stuff like this was in the works already. Stalin and Hitler were both half crazy warmongers who were in treaty talks already.

You seem to be confusing dates badly. The attack on Pearl Harbor by the Imperial Japanese navy began on the morning of December 7, 1941, when the USSR had been fighting Germany for nearly half a year already and Wehrmacht troops were near Moscow (Germany attacked the USSR in the morning of June 22, 1941).
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
They knew that Japan was going to attack, because they had outrightly and intentionally dishonored Japan in their trade agreements. The idea was to provoke Japan into war. The reason was that, almost from its inception, the U.S. government leaders had always been war mongers. The idea has been to make the U.S. into an imperial nation, an empire, like it is today. And they would like to think that they are only beginning in this conquering of the world.

That's a half crazy bullshit story.

You presume that before a war, someone would actually know that they would win it.  

Actually, it was neither the first nor the last time when countries instigate an attack on them. However crazy it may look, you may have no other option left but to provoke your enemy to attack you if it becomes stronger with time, stronger than your country, and would all the same attack you in the future.

In addition, nobody in the U.S. higher-ups knew for an absolute fact that Japan would attack. However, there didn't seem to be any alternative. And they guesstimated correctly.

The timing on the part of Japan was great. It was part of what the U.S. needed to help get its people into WWII. If the American people hadn't allowed the government to get into WWII, would Hitler have beaten Europe, allied itself with Russia, and ultimately become too strong for the U.S. to conquer? Probably. Stuff like this was in the works already. Stalin and Hitler were both half crazy warmongers who were in treaty talks already.

The action of the U.S. getting into WWII is what kept the crazy warmongers apart.

The point is, which is better? The U.S. puppet string pullers? Or the Hitler/Stalin crazies? Either way the world is being conquered and solidified into one nation. But it won't last. Just like a Hitler/Stalin union would break down, the people will pull themselves free from U.S. oppression by using the freedom built into the U.S.  It is happening with Bitcoin, and Karl Lentz common law.

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
Listen to this interview by Douglas Dietrich, and your mind will be blown.

It is a long video, but starts getting into the good stuff around 30:00.

He claims the start of WWII/pearl harbor attack was instigated by the US:

Douglas Dietrich was a D.O.D. (Department of Defense) Research Librarian for almost a decade, responsible for incinerating highly classified materials on critical historical topics such as Pearl Harbor, Roswell, Viêt-Nam, and the different ethnic holocausts; as well as documents exposing the reality behind vampires, zombies, Soviet psychic warfare, and other occult phenomena. Volumes of notes on Tesla, H.P. Lovecraft, L. Ron Hubbard, the Vatican and United Nations were destroyed, along with reams of reports detailing everything from military/intelligence-sponsored drug-smuggling operations to experimental mind-control programs. Records plundered from both Allied and enemy states articulated the hidden objectives of modern mass-movements such as Nat-Zism, Zionism, Izamicism (Wähhä'bīst/Islamist Fundamentalism), Vouhodouxnism ("Voodooism"), and other ideologies.
Now that does sound like some of the "good stuff."

I guess our killing off all the zombies and vampires would be considered Ethnic holocausts.

Does he discuss Bikini-Ism?

Inquiring minds would like to know.
Activity: 1267
Merit: 1000
Listen to this interview by Douglas Dietrich, and your mind will be blown.

It is a long video, but starts getting into the good stuff around 30:00.

He claims the start of WWII/pearl harbor attack was instigated by the US:

Douglas Dietrich was a D.O.D. (Department of Defense) Research Librarian for almost a decade, responsible for incinerating highly classified materials on critical historical topics such as Pearl Harbor, Roswell, Viêt-Nam, and the different ethnic holocausts; as well as documents exposing the reality behind vampires, zombies, Soviet psychic warfare, and other occult phenomena. Volumes of notes on Tesla, H.P. Lovecraft, L. Ron Hubbard, the Vatican and United Nations were destroyed, along with reams of reports detailing everything from military/intelligence-sponsored drug-smuggling operations to experimental mind-control programs. Records plundered from both Allied and enemy states articulated the hidden objectives of modern mass-movements such as Nat-Zism, Zionism, Izamicism (Wähhä'bīst/Islamist Fundamentalism), Vouhodouxnism ("Voodooism"), and other ideologies.
hero member
Activity: 742
Merit: 526
They knew that Japan was going to attack, because they had outrightly and intentionally dishonored Japan in their trade agreements. The idea was to provoke Japan into war. The reason was that, almost from its inception, the U.S. government leaders had always been war mongers. The idea has been to make the U.S. into an imperial nation, an empire, like it is today. And they would like to think that they are only beginning in this conquering of the world.

That's a half crazy bullshit story.

You presume that before a war, someone would actually know that they would win it.   

Actually, it was neither the first nor the last time when countries instigated an attack on them. However crazy it may look, you may have no other option left but to provoke your enemy to attack you if it becomes stronger with time, stronger than your country, and would all the same attack you in the future.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
They knew that Japan was going to attack, because they had outrightly and intentionally dishonored Japan in their trade agreements. The idea was to provoke Japan into war. The reason was that, almost from its inception, the U.S. government leaders had always been war mongers. The idea has been to make the U.S. into an imperial nation, an empire, like it is today. And they would like to think that they are only beginning in this conquering of the world.

That's a half crazy bullshit story.

You presume that before a war, someone would actually know that they would win it.   
hero member
Activity: 742
Merit: 526
Dan Carlin did an interesting Hardcore History episode about the A-bombing of Japan.
He basically was saying that the firebombing of Tokyo was as bad or worse than the nukes.

I also heard a theory that the Yanks used the A-bombs because the Russians were about to go over and finish off the Japanese on the ground, thus taking them into the USSR, they didn't want that so had to go to extremes to end the war fast

Not quite so, though there is a rationale in this. Harry Truman used the nuking of Japan as a weapon against Joseph Stalin in the future negotiations about the "new world order", to make him more tractable and submissive. And Russians still had to crush the Japanese troops in China.
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1003
Dan Carlin did an interesting Hardcore History episode about the A-bombing of Japan.
He basically was saying that the firebombing of Tokyo was as bad or worse than the nukes.

I also heard a theory that the Yanks used the A-bombs because the Russians were about to go over and finish off the Japanese on the ground, thus taking them into the USSR, they didn't want that so had to go to extremes to end the war fast
hero member
Activity: 742
Merit: 526
What you are doing, is changing the subject. I am trying to keep the history strait. Bombing of Japan was an atrocity, a war crime, and two war crimes don't make things right again. Bombing of Japan was as "necessary" as the bombing of Dresden by the Western allies.

Nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a revenge by the American military for the humiliation of Pearl Harbor as well as bombing of Dresden was a revenge by the British military for Luftwaffe attacks on London. In both cases these operations didn't make much sense militarily but rather were acts of intimidation and retaliation.

Japanese war machine was based on raw materials and financing provided to it by USA right before WWII (from Oliver Stones history documentaries). You reap what you saw. Also, I've read arguments that Pearl Harbour was a staged false flag.

The American gov't knew that japan was going to attack but not when and where though.

They knew that Japan was going to attack, because they had outrightly and intentionally dishonored Japan in their trade agreements. The idea was to provoke Japan into war. The reason was that, almost from its inception, the U.S. government leaders had always been war mongers. The idea has been to make the U.S. into an imperial nation, an empire, like it is today. And they would like to think that they are only beginning in this conquering of the world. Smiley

According to the so-called international laws, it is not who provoked but who first attacked that is declared an aggressor. Top fascist leaders (who lived up to that) were trying to evade justice at the Nuremberg trials by trying to carry out that ploy (that Stalin provoked Hitler to attack the USSR).
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
What you are doing, is changing the subject. I am trying to keep the history strait. Bombing of Japan was an atrocity, a war crime, and two war crimes don't make things right again. Bombing of Japan was as "necessary" as the bombing of Dresden by the Western allies.

Nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a revenge by the American military for the humiliation of Pearl Harbor as well as bombing of Dresden was a revenge by the British military for Luftwaffe attacks on London. In both cases these operations didn't make much sense militarily but rather were acts of intimidation and retaliation.

Japanese war machine was based on raw materials and financing provided to it by USA right before WWII (from Oliver Stones history documentaries). You reap what you saw. Also, I've read arguments that Pearl Harbour was a staged false flag.

The American gov't knew that japan was going to attack but not when and where though.

They knew that Japan was going to attack, because they had outrightly and intentionally dishonored Japan in their trade agreements. The idea was to provoke Japan into war. The reason was that, almost from its inception, the U.S. government leaders had always been war mongers. The idea has been to make the U.S. into an imperial nation, an empire, like it is today. And they would like to think that they are only beginning in this conquering of the world.

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
What you are doing, is changing the subject. I am trying to keep the history strait. Bombing of Japan was an atrocity, a war crime, and two war crimes don't make things right again. Bombing of Japan was as "necessary" as the bombing of Dresden by the Western allies.

Nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a revenge by the American military for the humiliation of Pearl Harbor as well as bombing of Dresden was a revenge by the British military for Luftwaffe attacks on London. In both cases these operations didn't make much sense militarily but rather were acts of intimidation and retaliation.

Japanese war machine was based on raw materials and financing provided to it by USA right before WWII (from Oliver Stones history documentaries). You reap what you saw. Also, I've read arguments that Pearl Harbour was a staged false flag.

Wow.. Just wow.

Frankly I do not think you have a clue regarding military strategy, as evidenced by projection concepts such as this or that military action was done as an act of intimidation or retaliation.

And you say that I'm changing the subject?  Well, whatever.

Yes, you changed the subject, I followed your lead. What "projection concepts" are you talking about?

You want military strategy, how about this quote (back to subject):

The most authoritative Air Force unit during World War II was the U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey, which selected targets on the basis of need, and which analyzed the results for future missions. In Hiroshima’s Shadow, the U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey report of July 1, 1946 states, “The Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs did not defeat Japan, nor by the testimony of the enemy leaders who ended the war did they persuade Japan to accept unconditional surrender. The Emperor, the lord privy seal, the prime minister, the foreign minister, and the navy minister had decided as early as May 1945 that the war should be ended even if it meant acceptance of defeat on allied terms…. It is the Survey’s opinion that certainly prior to December 1, 1945 and in all probability prior to November 1, 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated.

One of the most vociferous critics of the atomic bombings was David Lawrence, founder and editor of U.S. News and World Report. He signed a number of stinging editorials, the first on August 17, 1945.

“Military necessity will be our constant cry in answer to criticism, but it will never erase from our minds the simple truth, that we, of all civilized nations, though hesitating to use poison gas, did not hesitate to employ the most destructive weapon of all times indiscriminately against men, women and children.” On October 5, Lawrence continued his attack, “The United States should be the first to condemn the atomic bomb and apologize for its use against Japan. Spokesmen for the Army Air Forces said it wasn’t necessary and that the war had been won already. Competent testimony exists to prove that Japan was seeking to surrender many weeks before the atomic bomb came.” On November 23, Lawrence wrote, “The truth is we are guilty. Our conscience as a nation must trouble us. We must confess our sin. We have used a horrible weapon to asphyxiate and cremate more than 100,000 men, women and children in a sort of super-lethal gas chamber— and all this in a war already won or which spokesman for our Air Forces tell us we could have readily won without the atomic bomb. We ought, therefore, to apologize in unequivocal terms at once to the whole world for our misuse of the atomic bomb.”

David Lawrence was an avowed conservative, a successful businessman, who knew eleven presidents of the United States intimately, and was awarded the Medal of Freedom by President Richard M. Nixon, April 22, 1970.

Also, you accused me of some "preferred narrative" or something. Wouldn't it be better if you talked about a more impersonal and scientific term of "theory". The Official theory does not hold, as seen from multiple evidences. A theory that I viewed as the most fact-supported until now was that USA dropped the A-bombs on Japan so as to prevent Japan from capitulating to the advancing Soviet troops. But in light of the evidence presented in this article (cities spared fire-bombimg and designated for A-bombing), I see that the "Soviet-prevention" theory is too weak and that A-bomb test subject" theory has more weight.


Your sources are not credible.  They exist in a small circle of self referential Internet conspiracy sites and nowhere else.  You then attempt to draw conclusions from this flawed group of sources...
Activity: 2212
Merit: 1038
Declassified atomic bomb images just released!

full member
Activity: 308
Merit: 100
I'm nothing without GOD
What you are doing, is changing the subject. I am trying to keep the history strait. Bombing of Japan was an atrocity, a war crime, and two war crimes don't make things right again. Bombing of Japan was as "necessary" as the bombing of Dresden by the Western allies.

Nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a revenge by the American military for the humiliation of Pearl Harbor as well as bombing of Dresden was a revenge by the British military for Luftwaffe attacks on London. In both cases these operations didn't make much sense militarily but rather were acts of intimidation and retaliation.

Japanese war machine was based on raw materials and financing provided to it by USA right before WWII (from Oliver Stones history documentaries). You reap what you saw. Also, I've read arguments that Pearl Harbour was a staged false flag.

The American gov't knew that japan was going to attack but not when and where though.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
What you are doing, is changing the subject. I am trying to keep the history strait. Bombing of Japan was an atrocity, a war crime, and two war crimes don't make things right again. Bombing of Japan was as "necessary" as the bombing of Dresden by the Western allies.

Nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a revenge by the American military for the humiliation of Pearl Harbor as well as bombing of Dresden was a revenge by the British military for Luftwaffe attacks on London. In both cases these operations didn't make much sense militarily but rather were acts of intimidation and retaliation.

Japanese war machine was based on raw materials and financing provided to it by USA right before WWII (from Oliver Stones history documentaries). You reap what you saw. Also, I've read arguments that Pearl Harbour was a staged false flag.

Wow.. Just wow.

Frankly I do not think you have a clue regarding military strategy, as evidenced by projection concepts such as this or that military action was done as an act of intimidation or retaliation.

And you say that I'm changing the subject?  Well, whatever.

Yes, you changed the subject, I followed your lead. What "projection concepts" are you talking about?

You want military strategy, how about this quote (back to subject):

The most authoritative Air Force unit during World War II was the U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey, which selected targets on the basis of need, and which analyzed the results for future missions. In Hiroshima’s Shadow, the U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey report of July 1, 1946 states, “The Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs did not defeat Japan, nor by the testimony of the enemy leaders who ended the war did they persuade Japan to accept unconditional surrender. The Emperor, the lord privy seal, the prime minister, the foreign minister, and the navy minister had decided as early as May 1945 that the war should be ended even if it meant acceptance of defeat on allied terms…. It is the Survey’s opinion that certainly prior to December 1, 1945 and in all probability prior to November 1, 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated.

One of the most vociferous critics of the atomic bombings was David Lawrence, founder and editor of U.S. News and World Report. He signed a number of stinging editorials, the first on August 17, 1945.

“Military necessity will be our constant cry in answer to criticism, but it will never erase from our minds the simple truth, that we, of all civilized nations, though hesitating to use poison gas, did not hesitate to employ the most destructive weapon of all times indiscriminately against men, women and children.” On October 5, Lawrence continued his attack, “The United States should be the first to condemn the atomic bomb and apologize for its use against Japan. Spokesmen for the Army Air Forces said it wasn’t necessary and that the war had been won already. Competent testimony exists to prove that Japan was seeking to surrender many weeks before the atomic bomb came.” On November 23, Lawrence wrote, “The truth is we are guilty. Our conscience as a nation must trouble us. We must confess our sin. We have used a horrible weapon to asphyxiate and cremate more than 100,000 men, women and children in a sort of super-lethal gas chamber— and all this in a war already won or which spokesman for our Air Forces tell us we could have readily won without the atomic bomb. We ought, therefore, to apologize in unequivocal terms at once to the whole world for our misuse of the atomic bomb.”

David Lawrence was an avowed conservative, a successful businessman, who knew eleven presidents of the United States intimately, and was awarded the Medal of Freedom by President Richard M. Nixon, April 22, 1970.

Also, you accused me of some "preferred narrative" or something. Wouldn't it be better if you talked about a more impersonal and scientific term of "theory". The Official theory does not hold, as seen from multiple evidences. A theory that I viewed as the most fact-supported until now was that USA dropped the A-bombs on Japan so as to prevent Japan from capitulating to the advancing Soviet troops. But in light of the evidence presented in this article (cities spared fire-bombimg and designated for A-bombing), I see that the "Soviet-prevention" theory is too weak and that A-bomb test subject" theory has more weight.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
What you are doing, is changing the subject. I am trying to keep the history strait. Bombing of Japan was an atrocity, a war crime, and two war crimes don't make things right again. Bombing of Japan was as "necessary" as the bombing of Dresden by the Western allies.

Nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a revenge by the American military for the humiliation of Pearl Harbor as well as bombing of Dresden was a revenge by the British military for Luftwaffe attacks on London. In both cases these operations didn't make much sense militarily but rather were acts of intimidation and retaliation.

Japanese war machine was based on raw materials and financing provided to it by USA right before WWII (from Oliver Stones history documentaries). You reap what you saw. Also, I've read arguments that Pearl Harbour was a staged false flag.

Wow.. Just wow.

Frankly I do not think you have a clue regarding military strategy, as evidenced by projection concepts such as this or that military action was done as an act of intimidation or retaliation.

And you say that I'm changing the subject?  Well, whatever.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
What you are doing, is changing the subject. I am trying to keep the history strait. Bombing of Japan was an atrocity, a war crime, and two war crimes don't make things right again. Bombing of Japan was as "necessary" as the bombing of Dresden by the Western allies.

Nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a revenge by the American military for the humiliation of Pearl Harbor as well as bombing of Dresden was a revenge by the British military for Luftwaffe attacks on London. In both cases these operations didn't make much sense militarily but rather were acts of intimidation and retaliation.

Japanese war machine was based on raw materials and financing provided to it by USA right before WWII (from Oliver Stones history documentaries). You reap what you saw. Also, I've read arguments that Pearl Harbour was a staged false flag.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
Another quote:

(p.66) “The Legation of Switzerland on August 11, 1945 forwarded from Tokyo the following memorandum to the State Department (which sat on it for twenty-five years before finally releasing it): ‘The Legation of Switzerland has received a communication from the Japanese Government.’ On August 6, 1945, American airplanes released on the residential district of the town of Hiroshima, bombs of a new type, killing and injuring in one second a large number of civilians and destroying a great part of the town. Not only is the city of Hiroshima a provincial town without any protection or special military installations of any kind, but also none of the neighboring regions or towns constitutes a military objective.”

And now, from Star Wars, transcript from here:
Princess Leia Organa: No! Alderaan is peaceful! We have no weapons, you can't possibly...
Governor Tarkin: [impatiently] You would prefer another target, a military target? Then name the system! I grow tired of asking this so it will be the last time: *Where* is the rebel base?
Princess Leia Organa: ...Dantooine. They're on Dantooine.
Governor Tarkin: There. You see, Lord Vader, she can be reasonable. Continue with the operation; you may fire when ready.
Princess Leia Organa: WHAT?
Governor Tarkin: You're far too trusting. Dantooine is too remote to make an effective demonstration - but don't worry; we will deal with your rebel friends soon enough.
Some similarities, eh?

And another!

Corroboration of these statements is found in the remarkable record of Ellsworth Torrey Carrington, “Reflections of a Hiroshima Pilot”, (p.9) “As part of the Hiroshima atomic battle plan my B-29 (named Jabbitt III, Captain John Abbott Wilson’s third war plane) flew the weather observation mission over the secondary target of Kokura on August 6, 1945.” (p. 10) “After the first bomb was dropped, the atom bomb command was very fearful that Japan might surrender before we could drop the second bomb, so our people worked around the clock, 24-hours-a-day to avoid such a misfortune.” This is, of course, satire on Carrington’s part. (p. 13) “in city after city all over the face of Japan (except for our cities spared because reserved for atomic holocaust) they ignited the most terrible firestorms in history with very light losses (of B-29s). Sometimes the heat from these firestorms was so intense that later waves of B-29s were caught by updrafts strong enough to loft them upwards from 4 or 5,000 feet all the way up to 8 or 10,000 feet. The major told us that the fire-bombing of Japan had proven successful far beyond anything they had imagined possible and that the 20th Air Force was running out of cities to burn. Already there were no longer (as of the first week in June 1945) any target cities left that were worth the attention of more than 50 B-29s, and on a big day, we could send up as many as 450 planes!” “The totality of the devastation in Japan was extraordinary, and this was matched by the near-totality of Japan’s defencelessness.” (as of June 1, 1945, before the atomic bombs were dropped.)

Gar Alperowitz notes, p. 16, “On May 5, May 12 and June 7, the Office of Strategic Services (our intelligence operation), reported Japan was considering capitulation. Further messages came on May 18, July 7, July 13 and July 16.

Alperowitz points out, p.36, “The standing United States demand for ‘unconditional surrender’ directly threatened not only the person of the Emperor but such central tenets of Japanese culture as well.”

Alperowitz also quotes General Curtis LeMay, chief of the Air Forces, p.334, “The war would have been over in two weeks without the Russians entering and without the atomic bomb. PRESS INQUIRY: You mean that, sir? Without the Russians and without the atomic bomb? LeMay: The atomic bomb had nothing to do with the end of the war at all.” September 29, 1945, statement.
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