Thanks for this comment. I think there is nothing more to say. You belong to the kind of people believing it's right to kill others because they want to take parts of the tremendeous amount of goods and food you have in order to survive.
Funny though. Between a Syrian woman who ran a war country, traveled whole Europe bare foot, managed to reach your borders risking her life with a last both expansive and dangerous travel accross sea, and you who only born here, who deserves the most the nationality?
the definition of nationality is the status of belonging to a particular nation so obviously the syrian qualifies for nationality in syria and i qualify for nationality here. the clue is in the name. there is no country on earth in which you or i would qualify for citizenship simply on the basis that we have traveled a long way through difficult conditions to get there. the rule for every would-be immigrant in every non white country on earth is that you have to go through a legal process and prove you can support yourself financially before getting anywhere. and in almost every case you wont qualify for welfare until you've paid into their system for a few years. but when white people attempt to apply these very reasonable standards to third world muslims it all of a sudden becomes racist and cruel.
And it seems like you compare our modern society to Middle Age. Wanna go back to this time? Did it even crossed your mind that the main difference between today and middle age is that we interfere in all their actions and use them as garbages? Hence that it's rather normal to see them turning at us once they got no other hope? What would be your solution? Close the borders and shoot at anyone?
yes we should shoot invaders instead of letting ourselves by overrun by them and allowing our civilisation to descend into third world anarchy. it works for israel as i have already shown you. following their no nonsense approach we'd shoot literally a handful and the rest get the message to stop coming. any that slip through are given a choice between detention and deportation. say what you want about the jews, they understand that third world savages bring the third world with them and they are having none of it in their country.
I'm just glad to know people without any notion of empathy exist in the world. It's the proof that our evolution is still incomplete as empathy was the base of our evolution process.
Seems to me that you have no notion of history, otherwise you would know that each and every empire collapsed after starting to close their borders and their culture calling themselves as "superioirs". Seems you also have absolutely have no notion of project management or you would understand that defending 14 000 km of borders is far more costly than integrating migrants. Seems you're a rather ignorant fool if you believe, even a moment, that Europe doesn't have the mean to welcome and integrate the correctly.
But as always: "A banker, a man and a migrant are in a room with 20 cookies. The banker takes 19 cookies to the man and says "you'd better borrow me 5 or 6 cookies in order to get the immigrant out of here. He's stealing your cookie.""