Same as the Leah betts issue so many years ago this is just a parent avoiding the issue that their kid made a bad choice and it cost them their life!
This is not the same as the Leah Betts case, as she died from water intoxication because she had heard that people had been collapsing on MDMA because they were not drinking enough water. So she drank too much in an effort to do the right thing.
Please note, by the way, the article discusses the purity of the 'Ecstasy' she took, not MDMA. 'Ecstasy' is the street name for a pill which may contain any amount of MDMA, or none at all, along with any other number of substances as filler or 'cut'.
Both of the above girls died of ignorance, not bad choices. They were misinformed and had limited exposure to drug education, as opposed to indoctrination. Particularly the common-use illicit-drug language that implies safety through consensus (everybody does it so it's ok), as in double-dropping, triple-dropping, namely, taking two or three tablets of 'Ecstasy' at a time.
The failed, trillion-dollar, 'War on Drugs' also includes a war on objective information about drugs. Remember kids, just say 'No', because that's all you need to know. Apparently.
my guess is that pure mdma automatically destabilizes and equilibrates down to 84%. either way, mdma belongs to the set of drugs people take for fun that are actually neurotoxic
Citation please.