People usually have the illusion that by saving money they are making a great deal, while in fact, the truth is that to save is nearly to useless when thinking on achieving financial progress in life. An independent middle class citizen, without the burden of a family on his back, can save enough money to buy the car of his dreams or the property he always desired living on, since he is commited to these goals, making a lot of effort and cuts on his expenses in order to accumulate enough money for that.
It's not easy, but not impossible, anyway. However, even though the system allows him to achieve those purchases, it doesn't allow him to maintain the patrimony and vehicle, because to possess such goods, someone has to pay yearly taxes to the government. The more expensive your car is, the higher the tax you are going to pay. The more expensive your house is and the best localized it is, the higher will be the tax to be paid.
To have to pay an annual tax for something you own and paid with your own money to possess is ridiculous...
This evil rigged system never allows a middle class hard working person to reach too further on improving his life standards. If he doesn't have a large income, he won't reach anywhere. To be a disciplined saver along decades of his life isn't enough.
Moral of the story: don't save money for more than one month. As soon as you accumulated some amount of fiat, put it into an investment and make it generate passive income for you, although you should avoid banking investments, since they usually pay below the inflation. Go for Bitcoin and assets when there isn't enough money to invest in something bigger. There is no assurance you will defeat the evil rigged system which smash common citizens, but at least you will be trying to overcome it...
I just want to add a little bit about it.
Before diving into any investments, including crypto, it's crucial to prioritize an emergency fund. Aim for 3-6 months of living expenses to cover unexpected events like layoffs. With this safety net in place, if you have an average income, consider investing primarily in your skills and knowledge through courses or training. This can empower you to boost your earning potential in the long run. Allocate a smaller portion to other investments, like crypto, only after carefully assessing your risk tolerance and understanding the market's volatility.