People usually have the illusion that by saving money they are making a great deal, while in fact, the truth is that to save is nearly to useless when thinking on achieving financial progress in life.
I wouldn't say that it is an illusion but it is what we've been taught when we were young and we've brought it up as we grow older. The problem is we've sticked to this idea that we're going to get rich by just saving alone. But once you're there with the reality and understanding it, it's not even close to it.
An independent middle class citizen, without the burden of a family on his back, can save enough money to buy the car of his dreams or the property he always desired living on, since he is commited to these goals, making a lot of effort and cuts on his expenses in order to accumulate enough money for that.
It's not easy, but not impossible, anyway. However, even though the system allows him to achieve those purchases, it doesn't allow him to maintain the patrimony and vehicle, because to possess such goods, someone has to pay yearly taxes to the government. The more expensive your car is, the higher the tax you are going to pay. The more expensive your house is and the best localized it is, the higher will be the tax to be paid.
To have to pay an annual tax for something you own and paid with your own money to possess is ridiculous...
That's actually how the system works. I guess that it's also injected to our minds that someone needs to own a car and it's part of everyone's dream. The problem is, if you can't afford it but you wanna have it asap, you're going to take loans and apart from the taxes.
You'll also have to bear with the interest that you'll have to pay aside from the downpayment and for how many years you agree to pay for it. I'll choose peace of mind that of that.
Because if I can't afford it with cash, I won't buy it.
This evil rigged system never allows a middle class hard working person to reach too further on improving his life standards. If he doesn't have a large income, he won't reach anywhere. To be a disciplined saver along decades of his life isn't enough.
And while the rest complains about the system, the others are using it as an opportunity and try to look for better solutions for themselves. I know that these systems really plays a big part to our lives and how we become successful but, we have to adjust and find ways to survive.
Moral of the story: don't save money for more than one month. As soon as you accumulated some amount of fiat, put it into an investment and make it generate passive income for you, although you should avoid banking investments, since they usually pay below the inflation.
It is okay to save for emergency purposes that we're not foreseeing. But if you don't like to save and you want to put that into investments, make sure that investment or asset you're allotting money is highly liquid just in case for unforeseen matters.
Go for Bitcoin and assets when there isn't enough money to invest in something bigger. There is no assurance you will defeat the evil rigged system which smash common citizens, but at least you will be trying to overcome it...
It is one of the best ways that we've known and thankful with. Bitcoin never disappoints but it's not easy too because it requires patience just as any other investments.