What everyone wants is to have a stable job and get good savings, the best option is to work the money to get more income for the future and thus have a better quality of life and what better to invest in bitcoin but before you should know certain things about This cryptocurrency.
it is not regulated: there is no entity that regulates and monitors this type of investment. So you should be aware that if you lose your money, nobody will answer
Bitcoin is a high-risk investment: people should know that the level of risk is very high, due to volatility and inability to predict its price. "
Do not get into debt to buy cryptocurrencies: this really should not be done with this or with another investment, if you are going to work your money with extra money you got.
Do not invest more than you are willing to lose: "it is recommended that you do not invest your savings in this currency; on the contrary, invest 1% of your assets, something that you are really willing to lose".
Use reliable pages: use safe sites to navigate and also only use reliable devices such as your cell phone, your computer and your home's wireless network. Never use public networks neither to make investments nor for any type of financial consultation.
maybe for another friend to share bsa to friends around so that we can be more vigilant and can be more patient in taking kepuusan
Thank you very much