And yet, ask someone from southern Italy what they think about the protection racket from the mafia that controls that part of the country. They'll tell you they're quite satisfied, and that there's no racket. The mafia doesn't bother you if you don't bother them, because to them it's just as much of a pain and an expense to screw with you, as it is for you if they screw with you. Their goal is to keep people safe, happy, and paying for security. Security which is evident by the almost total lack of robberies, drug dealings, and murders in that part of the country. Bad people don't want to piss off the mafia, basically.
Hell, let's even bring Somalia into this. Ask the people living under the local "warlords" what they think about their protection racket. They'll tell you they feel a lot safer with all the protection, and that it's not a racket, because, again, the "war lords" that are there now are just businessmen who's interest is to keep people safe so that they stay there and keep paying, instead of making them run away. What's more, many other such "businessmen" also now believe that it's easier to win customers by providing good security and service, than by trying to win territory from competitors through war, so they have an understanding between them that they don't fight each other on the streets, since it's bad for business. Sure, there is still a lot of fighting and killing in Somalia, but that's now almost exclusively from religious extremists affiliated with Al Queda, and some power-hungry dictator wana-bees that didn't get the message yet.