I'm going to ask you the same thing I did FA, and he ignored:
You have just been elected world dictator, and presented with irrefutable evidence that not only is global warming happening, but it is happening through human action.
What do you do to fix it?
That is a big responsibility so I would not be able to make snap decisions, but here are some short-list actions.
-Make sure that everyone knows that they DO have an impact on the environment and provide tools to self-determine your impact. Gamification of personal reductions with prizes/awards for those that are willing to go above and beyond. (PoC (Proof of Conservation?)
-Reduce emissions where possible, I like a market based approach similar to cap and trade, but it's not perfect. Removing the perception of political bias and preventing off shoring of entire industries is critical a global scale.
-Reduce incident radiation where possible, multiple technologies available including sulfur injection and mirror arrays, but most of them require such large numbers to be effective that multiple will have to be used in parallel to have a large enough impact very soon. (this would also reduce the chances of a "runaway" effect that we cannot correct for, if the sulfur injection estimates are off we can re-position the mirrors to compensate (and maybe even help with storm control as well))
-Encourage non-fuel use of petroleum and ban/limit feed-stock biodiesel while incentivising landfill owners, ranchers and others to capture and convert what they can.
-Encourage older buildings to be updated and reduce emissions by 40%
-Encourage local efforts for green streets and homes
-Fast-track a Mars mission with a goal of 1000 permanent inhabitants by 2045 and over 1 million by 2070.
-Mandate a highly functional transit system in every major city, and encourage folks to live closer to work (I actually like this one for fostering communities as well)
-Require the full lifecycle impact of a new vehicle technology be within 90% of state of the art, shipping battery packs for a new Prius around the world a couple times might not be the best plan, some manufacturing should be better distributed to reduce this (hard drives, other tech that has built a single global center that produces more than 60-70% of world consumption.
-Enact distance-based tariffs on food that could be obtained locally at a slightly higher price. (exceptions of you get products from point A to B by sailing or other low/zero emissions method)
-Significant expansion of Solar, Wind, Hydro, and Nuclear power (and finally get around to doing something with the waste on the last one)
-accelerate deployment of hydrogen power for cases where electric is not going to work.
-require carbon sink rigs be used to offset a significant portion of (then current) production.
A lot of this is happening already, at least at the research level, just without the urgency that I would feel it important to insist on. I've encountered other ideas, but these are the ones that came to the top of my mind. I think I hit all the major areas, but I was just going off the top of my head.
I would also add to that:
- A reduction in urban and suburban sprawl. Sprawl increases barriers disallowing species to relocate due to changing temperatures, which creates extinctions, which reduces ecosystem services.
- Increased city agriculture, hydroponics, garden roofs,, etc. to reduce reliance on crops which could go bad due to increasing droughts.
- Improved efficiency within urban areas, attempt to use urban planning to push the limits here. By doing so, get more people walking, better public transit, less suburban sprawl, etc.