After a rollout only matched by Obamacare, I refuse to mine, accept or invest in this coin... let it die.
Well first launches are often messy. Things are pretty stable now, though. There are working windows clients, several mining pools and 3 exchanges or more that listed the coin.
Strangely a lot of coins are launched without problems. Now the problem is not in launch being unfair, because of not being able to get wallets or miners working duo to 2 high traffic that the infrastructure couldnt handle like the day launch was postponed. But because of incompetence of devs.
OK you have to ask yourself if incompetence of devs was deliberate or not in order for them to mine coins at start and gain nice amount of money.
Now if your answer is Yes, the question is why should you support such a corrupted coin?
If you answer is No, why should you support and believe in a coin that has incompetent devs.
1 thing that also shows incompetence of devs is the fact that they should have anticipated the traffic they got the first time and they had to postpone the launch. Not to mention the fact that they postponed it because bitcountalk forum couldnt handle the traffic and the launch wouldnt be fair. Now there was twitter, facebook, their page and shitload of servers where they could have putted the files to for people to download.
Heck i wonder if dev team ever heared of torrents?
And what is worse is they werent prepared even 1 day later. Max was also speaking about toturials.... i didnt see any toturials did you ?
Now we could say Max pretty much lost all of it credibility. Well did he have any credibility at all in first place?
Correct me if i am wrong, but when people were explaining about crypto it was how about banks are bad, how they want decentralised money etc.
And then some financial advisor starts praising crypto and every1 goes crazy like girls when you mention Bieber. Forgeting financial advisors are also a part of problem why our economy is sh1t.
Dont be mistaken Max is here to earn money, he isnt doing this because hes a tooth fairy. Now when Max says "insert random name" coin is awesome it means i already invested into this coin and you should pump it, so i can dump and make shitload of money while some of you will lose it.
Now same thing goes for Ultra coin which had an unfair launch and definitely dev team made a nice amount of money even prior to launching it and after it.
All in all there are coins that deserve to have the hashes and attention Utc and Max coin are getting far more, yet they struggle to survive.
I do see that with scrypt Asics both of this coins might get on popularity despite they deserve to be forgotten. But its just shows how crypto community have become rotten.
Now i am not saying this is stupid, actually you are smart if you made nice money from this coins.
But its shows how much are people ready to tolerate for the sake of earning some money, but in terms it drops a very bad light on crypto currencys and it might be that people are doing themselves a bear favor for some fast easy money.
This is a zero sum game and while devs made nice money on an unfair launch it means people had to lose money. The worst part is they can get away for doing it easily and with time they might be even praised what an awesome coin they made.
Now go ahead and flame me how i dare to say such things while your bag holding for max coin or utc.