The quality of time you have will elevate you to better financial condition. If you value time, then time will also appreciate you. Therefore, the English proverb says "Time is money", which means time is money. Pepeatah has a tremendous meaning, which will change your life for the better. The price of your time is the same as the price of money yo
I do not to imagine it. I already knew how important time and of course the money in our life. Managing our time is managing our money. Wasting our time in something stupid is like wasting our chance to become rich.
I manage my time by setting my minds to the things I have to do in a particular day. I make that before a day pass by I finish all the work I need to do. Something like having a daily schedule the only difference is that I there is no fix time for this and for this. The goal is just to “finish” all of it in no matter what. Maybe for someone it is boring because I have no time for fun but I also set my time when to have fun.
I manage my money by allocating it to the things I need or allocating it to my priority. Different wallet for my allowance in a week, different wallet for my savings, different wallet for the things I want to buy, and so on.