So, in that case you still only have to trust Titan as the reseller never had the private key, right? They simply funded the coin. Unless there is concern they may have removed the key Titan provided and replaced with one of their own.
My opinion is that I would no longer trust any Titan coin.
Besides the 2FA debacle (which I don't understand why anyone would ever choose that option), is there really any reason to be so scared about Titan? Their coins have been around for quite a while now and not a single person (except 2FA folk) have had any issue or at least none to my knowledge.
I don't think the guy is a scammer, he put out a very nice, top quality product, but it seems the 2FA thing may have been a huge fuck up and perhaps he does not know how to resolve it. Not saying he shouldn't have any accountability, but the 2FA option already sounded a bit sketchy from the beginning. My exact thoughts when I heard that was "what if the company ceases to exist in the future?". Anyway, I love my Titans, they are beautiful and I don't feel scared or uncertain that my BTC is safe in regards to Titan potentially pulling some heist. My biggest worry with any loaded coin is a typo or peel gone wrong where the private key is damaged, or perhaps like humidity/heat/elements or just time damaging the hologram somehow. These coins were already a very risky and become an even bigger risk as BTC price increases, but these are just novelty/collectibles for enthusiasts and honestly very much go against the whole point of bitcoin, so its a bit ridiculous to be surprised to have touched the hot stove and be surprised to have been burned.
As for the guy on Ebay. I also did some deals with him, he at one point held several BTC of mine and even did a couple buys for me when I exchanged silver with him. He seems very honest and trustworthy in my opinion.
I’m not sure he’s a scammer either. Titan reminds me of microsoul atm. I still want to give Tim some benefit of the doubt, but he’s making it very hard. You have to ask why did he set up some 2FAs at all, especially utilizing such a poor way of doing so (unlike mike Caldwell 2FAs coins). On top of that his website TOS state he claims no promise of site maintenance. Why on earth would any legitimate business create those disclaimers when his 2FAs 100% count on the site being maintained. That’s an EXTREMELY shady move to make. Take a look at the list of coin makers who have refused to provide mintage #s or addresses..not many left who haven’t either exit scammed or shown massive red flags.
Tim has treated this with seemingly very little seriousness imo, zero apologies for ignoring customers for well over a year, ignores questions left and right, etc. Again we know several million dollars are at stake here and possibly far more. We’ve already seen several non forum members recently show up as they’ve been trying to contact him fior a long time. In all likelihood there’s probably quite a few people who have either already written their coins off as a loss or will never find this thread.
Some users have claimed their regular PK coins were empty. Can’t fully confirm this, but it’s another thing to worry about.
Here’s a very puzzling quote ..
How would an attack on the website possibly lead to coin loss ?! If hackers can’t access the private key on the physical coin, this would be impossible. Why would he even make such a statement, other than to create a sense of false security to those who don’t know any better.
So, after stating you aren’t worried about these coins, but you realize in general these are bad ideas ..then see all of these red flags still are willing to blindly trust them ? For me, any red flag and that’s it. It’s far to risky and absolutely not worth it. You can still keep the coin and hobo. In fact peeled coins have been selling well, maybe your lose 1-200 of premium, is that really worth it?