WPC has invited both these fools to the meetings months ago they didn't bother to respond to the invite. Just like Josh Zerlan didn't. BCP didn't.
You want answers come to the meeting. Just set it up with Beastlymac he will get you squared away. Again like I said I doubt Marto74 is going to accept and I most definitely sure Loshia won't accept.
Back to ignoring both of them.
Let us get back on topic please.
Bicknellsky I can not see a single line answering my questions.
Let us keep good manes. There are a plenty of other places to bash against each other.
Is there someone else involved in the WASP project who could give us a clue except you Bicknellsky? It is obvious that you are refusing to communicate ad give the answers. The questions are as follows:
1. What is WASP involvement with AMT – Josh Zipkin
2. What is Bicknellsky personal involvement with Josh Zipkin
3. Why Bicknellsky is so keen to cooperate and defend 1000% proven AMT scam
I am asking this because Bicknellsky is your project leader as far as I know. I am wandering if he is acting in behalf of all of you involved in WASP. In case Bicknellsky is acting as a person not representing WASP project, you do not need to answer to all of the above questions. Otherwise me and community would very much to hear what is going on
Thank you very much in advance
Off topic begins
It is not fare to open new Self Moderated thread Techbobit fucks us over again That is not something that a gentlemen would do. We can see only your opinion there.
Take me for example my thread AMT fucks us over again is not self moderated and it does not have even one post deleted/censured. Both you and AMT are welcomed there
Off topic ends