For investment, you have control on what you invest in. If you do proper research, your risk will be greatly reduce and your chance of profit will greatly increase. However in gamble, you leave the result to your luck where you have no control over the outcome.
Even though it's safer to invest, you can't say it's safe. In fact it may be even more dangerous than gambling. Yes, it's true that you can do some research, but it the end it only depends on your luck.
And yeah - it's true that you should focus on facts while investing, but the luck factor is still there... It's different to gambling, but the luck factor is still there as well.
"You don't just luck into things as much as you would like to think you do. You build step by step, whether it is friendships or opportunities."
Barbara Bush
"Good fortune does not happen because of luck."
Catherine Pulsifer
This is applicable in business. The fact that you come prepared in everything, researches, strategy, skills, it is more likely you will be successful in your business venture.
There is no such thing as luck when you are lazy and never do your things in your business.
Well of course you need to do researches and have a working strategy and everything.
But you can't say the luck doesn't matter. Like investing in Apple like 20 years ago...