Jesus man, I appreciate a bit of political humour but what you're posting just isn't funny.
"Haha, look here's some ugly ladies wearing pink hats, don't they look silly!! And I don't want to have sex with them, because they're silly and ugly, and old, and are wearing pink hats with ears!"
Well yes, they do look silly, but I don't understand why you need to throw some sort of sexual undertone to the argument. It's basically an ad hominem attack, and it's pretty low of you.
If you disagree with the protestors, then argue with them like a man, don't just say "oh well you're old and ugly and I don't wanna have sex with you so your opinion doesn't count..."
Like, I think most of these people are probably dumb but I'm not going to stoop to that level - If I disagree with them then it's on the basis of their opinion, not on their appearance... Grow up, dude.
I guess jokes from the other side out-trump my jokes, eh? See if you can spot the sign that reads,
"Donald Trump's mom should have swallowed."Yeah, see that's quite funny. I would have laughed if I'd seen that sign.
To be fair, like I said there were obviously a bunch of "dumb cuck liberals" (paraphrasing) out there protesting, but most of the protestors in that video actually have valid points. And the "reporter" was blatantly trying to bait them into looking stupid, although she didn't have many valid retorts to what they were saying. To be honest, she just seemed to be trying to get a reaction from people, trying her hardest to make them look stupid...
There was a section where she was interviewing a guy who was obviously nervous about being on camera, and she didn't address his points at all.
As an example, he says "don't you think that it's weird that Trump says one thing, then says the opposite - he's both on one half and then the other half"
So his point is, Trump says one thing, and then backtracks and says the opposite (which he has done many times).
And her answer to that is "Don't you think that's better than him being "ultra-conservative"". Well yes, but that doesn't excuse him from not having a clear policy on something, which a president of America should have.
And then she bitches about people stepping on some "private grass". Well boo fucking hoo.
That whole video made the protestors look a lot better than the reporter, IMO.
Whatever man, I'm quite happy to make fun of both sides of this horrifically polarized electorate, but the jokes need to be
funny, otherwise I'm not interested.