Furthermore, please explain why God the Father took his protective hand off of God the Son, even when God the Son begged him in the garden of Gethsemane not to do so?
God sent His Son to this point in torment. Why? To pay for your sins. Remember that after Jesus died, Father raised Him to life again... a glorified life. Why do you resist salvation? You attempt to make the work Jesus did for you to be wasted.
My spiritual journey ended when the Catholic priest told me after my confessional that "You cannot be gay, and a follower of Christ." Now, if I am to believe in the Roman Catholic version of apostolic succession, then that is like hearing it straight from God's mouth, since the sacraments are meant to be a physical manifestation of God's dispensation of grace. Also, I already tried the protestant route of saying that acceptance prayer multiple times. It appears to be of no avail since I am still gay. Therefore I must have not been adequately sincere or repentant enough, since it is clear that I am not exhibiting the proper "fruits" which would indicate that my faith isn't a "dead faith." I can only come to the conclusion that if YHVH, the Jahshua version, is true, perhaps Calvin had the correct notion and I am truly part of the damned, predestined since the dawn of time to go to hell. The only hope for this wretch is if somehow your God is really the great "I am" and somehow grants to me the required "grace" to assist me. Otherwise, your "Gospel" is not good news, but really bad news.
Everybody sins. The point isn't the amount of sin. The point is the amount of faith in forgiveness.
That being said, a person who shoots himself in the foot, complains about it, and then after it's all healed, does it again, wasn't really complaining, was he? Why would a person who agrees with God continue in things that are against God?
It isn't having gay tendencies that is wrong. Rather, it is following them into gay activities that is wrong. There are many people who want wrong things in life, and are tempted to do or get them, but simply won't follow their desires, because they follow God instead.
The Catholic Church has a wrong version of apostolic succession. They base their Papacy on Jesus's famous passage, Matthew 16:18, "And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it" -
https://www.biblehub.com/matthew/16-18.htm. But they forget that a short time later - maybe that same day, even - "Jesus turned and said to Peter, 'Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns,' " Matthew 16:23 -
The point is, if you turn to God, turn away from your sins as much as possible, Jesus will take you back and forgive you. He won't let you go easily, once you have been one of His saved people. Is now the time that you are going to return to Him (rhetorical)?