I don't have any donation, even not 1 cent
I don't know how to do with people to ask donation
Are you living now through donations? If there's no way to get back that amount, don't forget that you still have family to love and friends to be with. I wonder on who are the people that are close to you that symphatize you on this short coming?
This is not the end of the world and you don't have to say that tomorrow is your last day on Earth, get your life serious there are things that you had do to do not only this.
I don't have anymore family, my parents are died the last month and my brother stole me money and disappear
I will not be here if my family was still with me
I'm working all the week but its not enough for my debts
I have 73,000 euros of debts and every month I can only pay 300 euros because I have to pay my appartment and food
I win around 1000 euros per month (appartment cost 550 euros and 150 euros for food)
If I want to pay all my debts, I need 240 months or 20 years like this with nolife because I can't go out, I can't buy a car, I can't do anything
This is the reason why i'm asking for help I'm really desperate I want to rebuilt my life but I can't