Very few people realize how demanding trading can be, it is because of this that traders should set a schedule and respect it, because if they do not, most likely they will trade for long periods of time that could over the long term jeopardize their health, and it makes no sense to exchange your health for money, since there is no way to restore your health to the way it was regardless of the amount of money that you could make as a trader.
A very big mistake that most newbie traders make is they start learning and trading at the same time. I mean, if you are new in the field, you should focus on the learning part first, and once you feel you are ready, then you should get your finances involved because now that you have learned everything, you can manage things more efficiently and in less time than before. If you mix learning with actual trading activities on the side, you will lose three things: your focus, money, and the time you will waste on all this.
I have seen people spending barely six to 8 hours in a full day on their trading activities, and they split it between two hours with breaks in between. They get up in the morning, check out the market and make a few trades if they see opportunities, stop, maybe go out, eat some food, or do any other things that you need to do, and then get back on your screen and spend a couple of more hours before you do the same thing again.
This way, you will have a balance in your personal life and work life, and this won't let you have any negative effects because of trading.