It's funny how people see trading as a Ponzi or get rich scheme. They end up losing there hard earned money in the chase for more money.
Why will you even think trading is a get rich quick scheme when there are high chances of you losing money when you are not careful. The only people who will think they can make quick money from trading are those who haven't started trading yet, or maybe people who are just beginning to trade and are depending on trading signals and things like that. Most of them don't know anything about trading, they just decide to jump into trading due to things they hear about trading, most especially from signal providers. They always make people think that trading is kind of easy, but they are doing that just for their own selfish interest.
It's also so funny how some wants to learn a life changing skill in two weeks or a month, meanwhile they spend 4-5 years studying an obsolete course.
You can learn how to trade within a short period of time, but that will be the basics of trading. If you want to make constant money from trading, then learning is a continuous process, you have to keep on learning to improve your strategy. If you stop learning because you think you already have a strategy that you are using to trade, what will happen when the strategy stops working? So it's better to keep on learning and improving your strategy.
Trading has a lot of risks that makes it hard to deal and overcome. But if you are a passionate and determined trader, you will always want to try and make things work out. Note that there's no shortcut to trading success, you will encounter consistent losses, mistakes that will make you fail on your trades, but every trader has certainly experienced that before reaching their current position right now.
If you have passion for trading, then no matter how difficult things look, you will never give up, rather, you will always seek out more knowledge, and if you are ready to learn and put it into practice when trading, with time you will also become a professional trader. The only people that will give up because of a loss when trading are those who trade just because of the money, they don't have passion for what they are doing, and most of them are always depending on trading signals.