when it comes to media wanting to charge just a penny to read an article the problem is that regular readers whom may at first do free transactions due to low data, will find within a week all of those "change" addresses from previous article purchases are now causing their transactions to include more inputs. so yes an article can be free from fee's initially, but regular readers will find that the more often the spend the more it causes their next transaction to bloat. so please do not just say "its possible to send free tx's" without putting the issue into real life context first.
secondly these media companies that receive many micro transactions thn have the issue of transaction bloat due to trying to move all of the microtransactions.
which means that just buying an article costs the customer on purchase and costs the media company when they want to move their received funds.
this issue is not helping the fredom to move funds. it is incentivising people to hoard funds for many confirms to avoid virgin coin fee's. and avoid spending just to keep funds one one nice and neat pile. purely to avoid data bloat fee's
it is very apparent that Luke JR is greedy and implemented these non freedoms. as he also is trying to get people to use new addresses for every transaction. purely to create bloat.
what also adds to this greedy mindset, is the distancing away from mining is to verify/comfirm transactions in exchange for a bitcoin reward. into an area of knitpicking transactions and ignoring transactions purely to receive bitcoin fastest, not as a reward, but as compensation for wasted electric.
even the bitcoin wiki is admitting that instead of bitcoin being a free system of value exchange, it is a controlled system which is biased against certain transactions, in which the transactor has no freedom to just send a TX, they have to play to miners greedy and ego.
On the other hand, nobody mining new bitcoins necessarily needs to accept the transactions and include them in the new block being created.
the fundamental idea of bitcoins and the purpose of blocks is for transactions. and as such bitcoin mining pools should not knit pick transactions. and then blackmail people to pay the fee or have their TX's delayed or ignored.