I think China is HIDING test from the public. Wouldn't be the first time in just this particular scandal.
forget fox news racial thoughts towards china for 10 minutes.
here is a rational thought.
when wuhan went into total self isolation yea the numbers subsided.. thats the plan. the same plan for all countries.
what is not being said on news is that there WILL be another wave. once people start leaving their homes and mingling with others again.
WHO have said it. heck even many governments have said it
self isolation is not to irradicate the virus from existance. but to curb the spike and stop everyone getting it at same time.
expect numbers to plummet and then go up again.. just expect a 2 week gap.
dont treat this as the end of the virus for china and that if it does appear again then it was some conspiracy to hide numbers. but instead treat it as what every rational person knows and WHO have said for months to have the virus spread in waves instead of a spike so that it doesnt put too much strain on healthcare in one go
and expect the wave pattern for every country.