(11:55:06 AM) Infernoman: bfd48e4e030d490760de932facd3f485d234c4564086e0cc4d3f624092c27c2e52bad1d092e8a1d 60a92a0bc2c637308828548af51d33f5e6467cdfb764691d6
The string above is in a hexadecimal format, and ENCRYPTED with an algo that I was able to find online.
There is a website that you will be able to DECRYPT this string using the KEY. It only has 1 round of encryption on it.
Once you've decrypted this string correctly You will be able to use this to import the address into your wallet using "importprivkey [string]" minus the []
All of the strings are ENCODED in a hexadecimal format, NOT base64. to make it a bit easier
First person to decrypt and import this wallet into their own will receive the ~295 coins that are on it.
DAMNIT! of course this awesomness happens in the few hrs I'm offline a day and I miss this lol