Real Madrid and Manchester City will meet each other already on the quarter-final of the Champions League competition . It is actually a little sad for me. I really wanted these two to actually meet each other later in the competition. But it is what it is. Now we will have seen crazy things happen previously between Real Madrid and Manchester City in the Champions League competition.
The thing is on paper to me it looks like Manchester City has the upper hand. But at the same time, we have seen Real Madrid bring in crazy performances in the Champions League, even against Manchester City. So I think anything goes in this class. And remember this is going to be played over two legs. So both of the teams are going to have genuine chances. But I still think Manchester City should be better ready for the competition.
Actually, it's not a long time for Real Madrid, but in a competition they are very good at, they want to continue adding to their trophy collection in the cabinet. Statistically, Manchester City is still superior, but it is very narrow and I think Real Madrid could match their statistics by beating Manchester City. But I am quite pessimistic considering that Manchester City still dominates in terms of all existing sectors. However, it would be De Javu if Real Madrid could reverse the aggregate as happened 3 years ago.