Hi emdje,
Is it possible to view cgminer like that through putty using your 2.0 firmware? Or is it only made possible with your newer unreleased firmware?
No when it is already running, but if you stop cgminer through the webinterface you can.
Start up putty, log in, navigate to the /var/www folder (cd /var/www) and type the following (with your own pool info of course):
sudo ./cgminer -o stratum+tcp://eu-01.miningrigrentals.com:3333 -u emdje.3166 -p x --A1Pll1 1300 --A1Pll2 1300 --A1Pll3 1300 --A1Pll4 1300 --A1Pll5 1300 --A1Pll6 1300 --diff 4096 --api-listen --api-network --cs 8 --stmcu 0 --hwreset --no-submit-stale --lowmem
When you receive an error and cgminer is not starting type the following:
This will mark cgminer as an executable. Then try to start it again.
I only use it to test various builds of cgminer. Somehow the autostart does not work properly.