just for infoThis is the WAVES address of the UltraCoin Dev Fund - holding UltraCoin WAVES tokens (wUTC).
The account has been topped up by Team @Cripto and several other generous UltraCoin community members.
Current Balance = 9,400,000 wUTC
At present wUTC has no particular value - but when UTC and WAVES develop a bit more we could look at how we might use wUTC as an extension of UTC - and if it has utility - it will have value.
I have rolled some ideas around a few times before on this thread:
Recently - The UltraCoin Community was issued a token (UltraCoin Asset ID DxG3PLganyNzajHGzvWLjc4P3T2CpkBGxY4J9eJAAUPw) on the WAVES platform by members of the WAVES Community as a promotion and demonstration of the synergies possible between different Cryptocurrencies. This token was distributed to UltraCoin Community members based on current UltraCoin holdings and support for UltraCoin irrespective of their current UltraCoin holdings - on a voluntary basis. This was not an official UltraCoin project but it now presents UltraCoin with some new opportunities.
First - we can consider the UltraCoin WAVES token as an ''extension" of Ultracoin itself. The UltraCoin Token will be tradeable on the WAVES decentralised exchange (DEX) in the future and convertible to BTC, other cryptos/assets/tokens and convertible to FIAT currencies through WAVES gateways.
- WAVES will provide wallets in Win/Apple/iOS/Android for this token - allowing the UltraCoin Community members a wide range of use and development options.
- The Waves platform will also release "multigateway'' templates in Scala allowing direct conversions of UTC to UTC Tokens - and back to UTC - further adding seamless utility to this UltraCoin extension provided by the token.
- The UltraCoin WAVES token may also be listed on Cryptopia allowing many, simple and diverse trading opportunities in the near future.
The WAVES issuer of these tokens (Team @Cripto) will also issue Tokens as REWARDS to any UltraCoin Community Member who contributes to the UltraCoin Development Fund. They have stated that they will issue rewards at the rate of 1,000,000 UltraCoin tokens minimum per 1 BTC contribution until the reserve runs out - and this system has already been used by several members. (Contact usukan or Rapture333 if you wish to make any contributions).
Further to this Team @Cripto has made a generous gift of UltraCoin WAVES tokens to the Official UltraCoin WAVES wallet to fund future development of UltraCoin. Additionally several community members have also made very significant contributions to this same fund. In the future we hope to be able to use this fund for specific UltraCoin development projects.
This is an experiment in the making using cutting edge crypto functionalities - we have no idea how it will evolve - but follow the progress - only on UltraCoin.
No other Crypto currency currently has a token like this - as an extension on another blockchain.
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.17519911https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.17615092So nothing happening in the wUTC space for a few months - but stay tuned.
Cheers - usukan