what I take from this is:
That if the UTC staking/timedrift parameter makes us vulnerable to a timewarp attack - we should get that code fixed by PressTab. He is an expert in this area so it should be quite straightforward.
Other comments from tech community members please.
Thanks - usukan
Nice one, looking forward to seeing how the 'dashboard' looks, tomorrow!
Just been looking over presstab info...seems a clever sort! As you say, hope costs are reasonable, but would save so much aggro/hassle if we could afford to use him. Did make me wonder though, with his take on the 'timedrift parameter'...rather concerning. I wondered, would it be worth asking anyone on here who understands the technical side, to discuss issues on here that need to be addressed BEFORE we ask presstag to sort it out, so we have a consensus before we start. Think it will help to maintain unity further down the line if everyone has their say now...