
Topic: Understanding Multiple accounts (newbie) (Read 452 times)

hero member
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November 24, 2023, 04:27:19 PM

The issue with multiple accounts is complex and how they attend to it depends on the reason for the other account(s), how well-established you are on the forum and how you get to use the accounts. It's no news that there are some people on the forum who own their alt accounts and people know them but they do not care about it because they are established well enough, this is even as they join campaigns with it.

Also, the forum encourages people who do not want to express themselves with their main account to open another one to do so without issues. But there is nothing you can explain to some people, once you are not well-established, they would tag the account to render them useless on noticing they are alts if they couldn't get them banned for some reason. So this thing is partial and I urge them to often cool down.

But I don't know what anyone would be doing with three accounts, that's where it gets most ugly.

I don’t believe it is not a complicated situation, it’s just that some members make it seem that way. There are many reasons why one may create one or more alt accounts. For example, I have seen an account “LoyceMobile” on the forum, one can easily recognize that this account is owned by LoyceV. I would assume this alt is for his mobile device and is used to access the forum when pc isn’t available. The owner of the account made it a point to give a neutral tag to his alt indicating that he is the owner. Some people may not like this pattern because it ties their alt to their main account, which means they can’t cheat signature campaigns or troll other users without risking their main account.
hero member
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November 24, 2023, 04:09:02 PM
The issue with multiple accounts is complex and how they attend to it depends on the reason for the other account(s), how well-established you are on the forum and how you get to use the accounts. It's no news that there are some people on the forum who own their alt accounts and people know them but they do not care about it because they are established well enough, this is even as they join campaigns with it.

Also, the forum encourages people who do not want to express themselves with their main account to open another one to do so without issues. But there is nothing you can explain to some people, once you are not well-established, they would tag the account to render them useless on noticing they are alts if they couldn't get them banned for some reason. So this thing is partial and I urge them to often cool down.

But I don't know what anyone would be doing with three accounts, that's where it gets most ugly.

You account can only get tag if you are using them to farm either merits or to farm a campaign. Let say if a manager launches a campaign and put rules that no multiple accounts is allowed to enroll in their campaign and you happened to do so, all they will do is to get them tagged and rendered the account useless because you didn't abide to instructions.

Another thing again is do not share the same address with others like using one general wallet to be apply campaign this shows that you are disobeying the rules and can easily gets tagged, the issues is how to manage all those accounts if you don't wanna get tagged, however no established members will attack you if you follow the rules correctly.
hero member
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November 24, 2023, 09:25:11 AM
The rule are self explanatory so I don't know why you are finding it difficult to comprehend, is just simple when your account is banned all your account that tied to you aren't exempted so they are also ban from the forum even though they don't commit any offense they are automatically ban. Then if you are ban for any reason you are not permitted to go make any other account in this forum if found it would be also be ban automatically for rule violation. So if you own 10 accounts make sure you don't violate any rules with any of them because if 1 account among the 10 is ban is also affects the remaining 9 so treat all with equal rights otherwise your accounts will be ban as well.

from your explanation it means the rule is self contradicting and should be looked into for a rephrase. Because if its not illegal to own multiple accounts then banning all multiple accounts linked to a faulty user should be put in view. The rule can be rephrased to say one account to one user and owning multiple accounts at owners risk. Otherwise this rule is just self contradicting and should be open for review.

There's nothing to be reviewed because the rules are well understandable and self explanatory. If the admin thinks it's worth changing then they will do that but as for my reasoning you don't need to have multiple accounts instead just stick to one account.
The issue with multiple accounts is complex and how they attend to it depends on the reason for the other account(s), how well-established you are on the forum and how you get to use the accounts. It's no news that there are some people on the forum who own their alt accounts and people know them but they do not care about it because they are established well enough, this is even as they join campaigns with it.

Also, the forum encourages people who do not want to express themselves with their main account to open another one to do so without issues. But there is nothing you can explain to some people, once you are not well-established, they would tag the account to render them useless on noticing they are alts if they couldn't get them banned for some reason. So this thing is partial and I urge them to often cool down.

But I don't know what anyone would be doing with three accounts, that's where it gets most ugly.
hero member
Activity: 1190
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November 23, 2023, 02:12:45 PM

There are two scenarios
  • If you have two accounts from onset and one of the accounts let's say commits plagerism and got banned. This does not affect the other account of yours which predates the banned account. It means the other account is not ban evading

I didn't see this rule anywhere and I haven't come across it. But that is what my common sense says it should be.
I disagree. Ideally a ban on one account affects all the other accounts owned by that person. However users can get away with it if there is no connection that links the banned account with the others. If by chance, a connection is later discovered, there is a good possibility that the account may receive a negative tag. I’m sure you must have seen this happen in reputation board before.

My point is, it’s not the “account” that’s banned but the person behind the account. So it’s considered ban evasion if that person still operates on the forum as a member. [/list]
Activity: 2534
Merit: 1115
November 23, 2023, 11:36:44 AM
If you have two accounts and one of the two accounts is banned, that means the second account will be banned if known. Also if your account has been banned and you open another account and be posting (than on meta about ban appeal or so), your account will be banned again

So if one has multiple accounts and when one get banned the rest also automatically becomes banned so I want to know the real essence of opening multiple accounts because if the activities of one of the accounts will definitely affect the other then there isn't need to proceed in opening multiple accounts and I want to understand why is there a need for an alternate account.
there really isn't a need to create an alternate account but apart from what digaran has said, some members might want to create an account for a number of reasons, for example, some members might want a separate account that they can use on their other devices so when that device is stolen, lost or compromised, their main account is still safe, others might just want to use it to joining giveaways, etc...
hero member
Activity: 952
Merit: 662
November 23, 2023, 10:07:12 AM
That's rare and yeah the ID of AltAccount is not banned yet and I don't understand why, well I spend around 30 minutes only to look around what happened that got this dude banned and it turned out that this dude had 4 accounts and naim20 did confessed that he owned these four accounts but I don't know why if a person got banned, ok first time got banned but then got unbanned and then again got banned.
First naim027 get banned because of plagiarism, he open a ban appeal using Dic3L0v3r's account. But at this moment he still have two more alts e.g. AnotherAlt and John Abraham which not get banned.

After few months the moderator unban naim027's account.

The big question mark here is why both AnotherAlt and John Abraham not get banned when this forum has "ban evasion" rule? I doubt this is rare, given the fact many users still make reports about ban evaders in Reputation section.

There's no rule against joining different campaigns with alt accounts, there's no forum rule about signature campaigns at all but there are local rules made by campaign managers to prevent multiple accounts from the same user.
I am not sure this is legal.
He's correct and it's legal.

If it's not legal, hilariousetc and hilariousandco both of them would receive a punishment since a long time ago.

hero member
Activity: 644
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November 23, 2023, 09:54:43 AM
I think that's would be called ban evasion but I don't see this rarely happen because the person that have being ban would try to do everything to try and cheat the system and since their is no special system deviced for this kind of case it would be difficult for the ban person to be caught but this can be possible somehow with how the poster behave in relation to his old account and the new one because some persons are just the same with how they posts.
The thing is that the forum can make use of tools that can recognize and link ban evaders to their previous accounts. This can be done with some tools that can know the exact device and the IP address used and be used to link the accounts together. But the forum is doing nothing about it just as you said. This is just one of the things which this forum only take lightly which is good like that, unless another user is able to link the accounts and report it for ban evasion.
Hmmm, I see your point but I think this particular solution can also be manuover by someone who is desperately trying to evade his ban. I think you should be familiar with some tools also in the internet to actually bypass the identification of IP address used for browsing, tools like VPN apps can actually work very well for this kind of security as it can change your location in an instance.
Activity: 4326
Merit: 8950
'The right to privacy matters'
November 23, 2023, 09:39:55 AM

most importantly, if you've got two accounts, only one of them can join a PAID signature CAMPAIGN... If you get the two engaged, you'd most probably lose the two account..
Did you mean one one of them can join the SAME paid signature campaign?
There's no rule against joining different campaigns with alt accounts, there's no forum rule about signature campaigns at all but there are local rules made by campaign managers to prevent multiple accounts from the same user.

 I am not sure this is legal.

Judypug1956 is one alt I have . Technically it is my wife’s account.

I don’t do a signature campaign with it. I just do my one account.


I think I could push using my wife’s account and collect ,but then everyone will say its my wife or its my girlfriend or its my sister. Then collect on two accounts even if it is not legal or at best gray.

To op a ban is the master set and goes against all of your accounts.
Sometimes some members get over and do not get fully punished. If you read all over meta and reputation threads you can find some preferred treatment to some people.
Activity: 1064
Merit: 1298
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November 23, 2023, 09:36:14 AM
I think that's would be called ban evasion but I don't see this rarely happen because the person that have being ban would try to do everything to try and cheat the system and since their is no special system deviced for this kind of case it would be difficult for the ban person to be caught but this can be possible somehow with how the poster behave in relation to his old account and the new one because some persons are just the same with how they posts.
The thing is that the forum can make use of tools that can recognize and link ban evaders to their previous accounts. This can be done with some tools that can know the exact device and the IP address used and be used to link the accounts together. But the forum is doing nothing about it just as you said. This is just one of the things which this forum only take lightly which is good like that, unless another user is able to link the accounts and report it for ban evasion.
hero member
Activity: 644
Merit: 520
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November 23, 2023, 09:23:57 AM
If you have two accounts and one of the two accounts is banned, that means the second account will be banned if known. Also if your account has been banned and you open another account and be posting (than on meta about ban appeal or so), your account will be banned again
I think that's would be called ban evasion but I don't see this rarely happen because the person that have being ban would try to do everything to try and cheat the system and since their is no special system deviced for this kind of case it would be difficult for the ban person to be caught but this can be possible somehow with how the poster behave in relation to his old account and the new one because some persons are just the same with how they posts.
Activity: 2072
Merit: 4265
November 23, 2023, 09:07:45 AM

I understand that some people are running away from this glaring question. This is not the type of question that a newbie should ask. But since there is a question, there must be an answer and someone correct me if I am wrong.

There are two scenarios
  • If you have two accounts from onset and one of the accounts let's say commits plagerism and got banned. This does not affect the other account of yours which predates the banned account. It means the other account is not ban evading
  • But when an account is banned, any other account from same user that is created after the account ban is considered ban evasion

I didn't see this rule anywhere and I haven't come across it. But that is what my common sense says it should be.

Suppose the previously created account and the account that committed plagiarism have irrefutable evidence of a connection with each other. In that case, the ban will also apply to the account that did not commit plagiarism. It depends on the situation, and moderators will approach this carefully. Otherwise, you can frame any completely innocent account by creating some connections with it. However, if there are undoubted connections, then even without receiving a ban from the moderators, you can get a negative tag from DT, although this is not welcomed by the community.
copper member
Activity: 1330
Merit: 899
November 23, 2023, 06:17:54 AM
I want to understand why is there a need for an alternate account.
As a normal user there is no need, but due to monetary incentive and excessive abuse, people register multiple accounts, if one of them got caught so they can use the other one.
But in essence if you are known in the community, and when you want to say something controversial without worrying about the consequences reflecting on your personal life, you'd say it with an alt account.
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 253
November 22, 2023, 08:02:39 PM
If you have two accounts and one of the two accounts is banned, that means the second account will be banned if known. Also if your account has been banned and you open another account and be posting (than on meta about ban appeal or so), your account will be banned again

So if one has multiple accounts and when one get banned the rest also automatically becomes banned so I want to know the real essence of opening multiple accounts because if the activities of one of the accounts will definitely affect the other then there isn't need to proceed in opening multiple accounts and I want to understand why is there a need for an alternate account.
hero member
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November 22, 2023, 05:30:52 PM
My first question is what are the restrictions to selling an accounts???

There aren't any official restrictions from the admins or moderators of the forum as far as I know but when someone tries to sell accounts then reputed members of the forums leave tags on the profiles of those users because they really don't like the activity of account selling or buying. It's always recommended to avoid buying or selling of accounts on this forum and that's why it's disliked by the community of Bitcointalk to sell accounts.

Does this mean that if I have always had two accounts and for any mistake whatsoever like plagiarism. And one of my account is banned, am I not allowed to own any other active accounts??? Let's not forget that it is not illegal or against the rules to own multiple accounts. Are these rules contradicting themselves or are there other hidden criteria to such effects???

It's legal to own as many accounts as you can but keep in mind that if any of your accounts get banned due to any reason then all of your other accounts are also going to get banned if someone finds connection of those accounts with your banned account. You can literally have as many accounts as you prefer to have and if you follow the rules of the forum then you won't face any issues even have multiple accounts. But, it's not allowed to participate in signature campaigns with your alt-accounts and if a manger founds that then you may get tagged for that activity.

Does this mean all other of my old accounts remains relevant and active despite my initial ban on my other accounts???

When one of your accounts is banned on forum then your other accounts won't get affected from that particular account's ban but remember that when your account is banned and you continue to posts from your other accounts in sense that you really don't care about the ban, and when someone finds out that your current unbanned account has connection with your banned account then surely your current active account will also get reported and might get banned.

It's always recommended to create new accounts only to create a ban appeal threads on Meta board about your ban and when that appeal is accepted then you should continue using your other accounts or even that banned account which gets unbanned if your appeal is accepted. That's the safest way to use the forum and trust me if you don't break the forum rules then you won't get banned in the first place.
Activity: 2114
Merit: 2248
Playgram - The Telegram Casino
November 22, 2023, 05:11:55 PM

most importantly, if you've got two accounts, only one of them can join a PAID signature CAMPAIGN... If you get the two engaged, you'd most probably lose the two account..
Did you mean one one of them can join the SAME paid signature campaign?
There's no rule against joining different campaigns with alt accounts, there's no forum rule about signature campaigns at all but there are local rules made by campaign managers to prevent multiple accounts from the same user.
hero member
Activity: 798
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November 22, 2023, 04:45:53 PM
Create as many Alts as you want...(personally, I don't even have time in real life to HODL more than one account) anyone could do that....but don't try to bridge the policies in meritocracy; don't send merits to your Alts accounts.

most importantly, if you've got two accounts, only one of them can join a PAID signature CAMPAIGN... If you get the two engaged, you'd most probably lose the two account.. it's also fine to buy or sell an account..yeahh,but the forum frowns at it gruesomely...

Sandra 🧑‍🦰
full member
Activity: 448
Merit: 163
November 22, 2023, 04:11:19 PM
This thread is quite helpful to me because I learned about having more than one accounts in this forum, from deference people here. Starting now, I'll know how to keep myself on one side even if someone or a friend tries to persuade me to open additional accounts. I will definitely inform him that this is against the regulations of this establishment.

However, if I may ask, what will I do if my account has a problem? Will I have to report the account to our administrator here, or will be another solution to resolve it? Please my senior members, should enlighten me.
hero member
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November 22, 2023, 03:51:57 PM
OP, you did not give reasons why you have multiple accounts in the first place. As one of the users in the comments already said, if you have any activity that you are offering that requires truth and you don't want to use your first account, then you can create an alt, but If there is nothing very important that requires you to create altcoins, then it's just better that you concentrate on one account because it will make you more concentrated than moving from one account to another for no reason. If you have multiple accounts already created and perhaps one gets permanently banned, the other of your alt account will be banned, the reason is because people don't just get banded or tagged on the forum when they have not done any bad acts that interfere with their reputation. So, if Mr. A is the same person as Mr. B and C and Mr. A did something wrong, which is against the policy of the forum,then it will surely affect all the other accounts because you are the same person. I hope the explanation is clear.
hero member
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November 22, 2023, 04:31:27 AM
from your explanation it means the rule is self contradicting and should be looked into for a rephrase. Because if its not illegal to own multiple accounts then banning all multiple accounts linked to a faulty user should be put in view. The rule can be rephrased to say one account to one user and owning multiple accounts at owners risk. Otherwise this rule is just self contradicting and should be open for review.
Creating multiple accounts is not illegal, and having multiple accounts does not increase or decrease your chances of being banned. The main and alternative accounts are one unit of you personally, and the object of the forum rules is you, not each account.
hero member
Activity: 826
Merit: 583
November 21, 2023, 11:00:06 PM
from your explanation it means the rule is self contradicting and should be looked into for a rephrase. Because if its not illegal to own multiple accounts then banning all multiple accounts linked to a faulty user should be put in view. The rule can be rephrased to say one account to one user and owning multiple accounts at owners risk. Otherwise this rule is just self contradicting and should be open for review.

there is nothing contradictory. Forums also cannot limit each person to only having one account. Even several senior members here also have their alt accounts. However, they use the account according to the rules on the forum.
If a ban is applied to an account that is experiencing certain problems, it has the potential to drag in other accounts that are proven to be connected to the banned account. according to and what is contradictory and needs to be reviewed?

If you have problems with your main account being banned. there is a procedure for filing an appeal. You can try using it. I'm not sure of the success percentage of a possible appeal. admins may look at it on a case-by-case basis. which allows members to approve or reject their appeal.
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