Our society will always have a huge percentage of people who are unskilled. It also has a percentage of people who inherit huge advantages including wealth. There is nothing right and proper about making the poor poorer and the rich richer. You are confusing what is possible with what is desirable.
On a purely selfish basis, take a look at countries or states with poor worker protection and compare them to the rest of us. Within the US, the anti-union states leech off the pro-union states. Worldwide, the better the protection for workers, the more prosperous the country. Even if you are happy for the poor to be reduced to begging, its in your own interest to make sure you live in a country where it doesn't happen.
Agreed, with two caveats:
1) Countries that don't have any unions or minimum wage laws (India, China, Russia, Brasil) used to have a lot of poor people, but now, despite having a large wealth divide, they are the fastest growing economies in the world, and their population of poor is shrinking. Adjusted for living expenses,in some cases they are better off than people living here.
2) The system we have here may not be sustainable. National debt is increasing, and that's only in part due to unnecessary military spending. Depending on how exactly the drain to support a minimum wage level and consequent unemployment is handled, we will either run out of borrowing power leading to the situation in Greece, or will severely stifle our economic growth and get surpassed by those other developing nations. We will become the country of unskilled labor, and ours won't even be cheap. Our only saving grace with those nations is that the corruption level in developing countries is still sky high.
So, how do you believe our economy will progress in the world, when we already have to compete against others without a minimum wage, and the only thing separating two competing companies is what legal requirements they have to follow?