Seems to me that Jews are based in God-religion, but IQ is based in evolution-religion.
What I mean is, evolution theory essentially destroys the evolution idea. How? In all practical forms of evolution theory, the theory holds that evolution came about through random mutations, one way or another. But when you consider what 'random' really means in random mutations, it essentially means that we don't know which of the mutations did the job of evolution. Since we don't know this, how do we even know that there was any 'advancement' by evolution at all? Evolution is all guesswork.
On the other hand, the Jews are being held together by a strong, sense of family-nation. Their nation has been recorded to have been set up by God. Their existence, and their Tanakh writings, when examined scientifically, show that such a nation is impossible without some powerful form of 'interference-in-natural-happenings'. This interference is way beyond what simple higher intelligence (IQ) could accomplish.
So, the question is (since the Jews have a God-religion), which religion is right (if either)? The God-religion, or the evolution-religion? As shown above, evolution in the large scale is essentially impossible. At least, we haven't found any theory for it that holds water. But the God-religion is evident in the machinery of nature. Machines have makers.
This is the bottom-line reason why universities are violently against the Jews. Universities have been taken over by people who want to be in control of their lives. But even though they can't be (except in extremely limited ways), it makes them feel good to build themselves up as though they were, and to show others that they have control over themselves and life and the universe.
People who are behind the universities - basically the financiers - want the evolution-religion to be real. One of the ways to attempt this is to get rid of the Jews, who represent a religion to which the universities are diametrically opposed.
If there were true quality IQ people in and behind the universities, they would join reality, and worship God. Since university IQ is mediocre, no matter how it is measured, they fight the only IQ that counts... God-religion IQ. They maintain their nothing-religion of evolution.