No plane parts worth mentioning.. the parts shown are small enough to fit in the trunk of a car. Just like in PA where they dumped a tail wing on the field.
No sneaking in the pentagon required either, that part was empty and under renovations, why would there be bare brick walls and no furniture in that part if it was being used.
The part to note, which you beat around the bush again and avoided was the size of the hole in the pentagon, which is barely the size of a minivan,, both side walls intact so where would a plane have gone ?
In the other pic with the hole, which is ground level, there is also black spray paint around the whole, its not proof of anything but its like a "cut here" or blast here marker. the floor looks perfect, hardly a crash site, again only a fool would believe this is a commerical airliner crash
I figured date and time were obvious since the fire hoses are still spraying.
since you replied to my pic about no planes at pentagon, "it" would be the pics.
So why even take part in this thread, one words replies don't exactly make you look good. ...
You said,
It doesn't even matter what the context or conspiracy, the question is, is it consistent with a plane crash or an explosive...What is the "it", exactly?
What is the time and date the picture was taken, and where was it taken?
You should get these kinds of questions if you don't post a link, just a picture...
But through google images I locate your pic as a recently released FBI picture of "an inner wall" of the Pentagon after the 911 hijacked plane struck it. It's in a group of pictures along with lots of crumbled up airplane parts. I didn't see any detail on where that hole was exactly, related to the angle of and direction of impact of the aircraft.
So yeah, what about this pic. Some inner wall of the pentagon. I'm not seeing anything at all there that you can hang a conspiracy theory on. I'm not seeing enough data to address your (poorly framed) question about whether the picture "is consistent with..." A better way to ask might be "is there anything here that directly shows an explosion." The answer to that is no, there are none of the fractured or shattered appearances that would indicate pressure waves faster than the speed of sound in the materials, such as would be the case with a 50,000 fps gas shockwave. Oops, sorry, that's not at the 8th grade level.
I am seeing something else, which is "don't bother trying to damage the Pentagon by ramming planes into it."
Now, you ask about a pic of a hole in a wall, next to hundreds of crumpled airplane parts, whether that pic is consistent with an airplane crash. Do you think some guys snuck into the Pentagon in the middle of the night with a disassembled Boeing jet, sneakily assembled it, then planted explosives, then in the morning blew it all up?
That seems rather complicated to me and would require some guys working a night shift. They don't like to work night shifts and want more more for them.